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Feeling like a horse...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:55 am
by LuvBug26
I am totally braced now for a week...ugh! And i am hurting...i actually got my top ones on today, about 2 hours ago and i feel like someone punched me in the mouth a few hundred times!! :soremouth: But i was wondering if anyone had a problem on the upper front teeth with them sticking out? I feel like i have horse teeth now!! :oops: Before i got braces they weren't this protruding but i am very selfconcious about them now!! Will that pass? (the big teeth feeling that is) I can't hardley close my lips around my teeth since getting the upper arch done!! I didn't think this would impact me like it has but i really feel sort of down about it now, not as much excitment as i thought i would have once i got them on! :( Has anyone else been feeling/felt this way and if so how did you get over it? Guess i just need a pick me up!! :-((

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:43 pm
by Clairey Fairey
Can't say for sure coz I haven't had my uppers braced yet, but my top teeth stick out already so I'm also worried that i'm gonna look horse like and that the braces are gonna make my lips stick out so much that I won't be able to close my mouth properly!!

I did ask my ortho about this and she said they might stick out for a month or so, until the teeth move back.

I'm sure you'll soon get used to it. Just think of the outcome, it's only for a few months, then hopefully you'll see an improvement :)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:27 pm
by lz
I got my braces 2 weeks ago on Thursday. I have found that chap stick really helps my lips slide over my braces better. I can relate to how you feel. I felt self conscious too about them sticking out. Gradually (each day) it gets better and better. The soreness too. I get better at talking to people in public too each day. So in my experience (so far) it does get a lot better as each day passes. Hang in there.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:38 pm
by iBorg
When I started this I knew people would stare and laugh at me. I'm a grown man with braces of all things. Little children would stop on the street and point at me. My students would call me names. My life as I knew it was over because I was undergoing medical treatment. For the next two years I would be a social outcast.

Funny thing happened. No one's laughed (although my sister did ask why), I haven't stopped traffic and most people don't notice. I'm sure your braces look terrible to you. We are our worst critics. As long as you don't let braces alter how you interact with people, people will interact with you in the same way as before braces. The only exception is if you meet someone who is or has gone through the same treatment or wants to learn about it. These people will often interact with you more openly than before.

Good luck, it will get better!


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:42 pm
by acehigh
Hello! I've been in my braces for about 4 1/2 months. At first it was kind of devastating. Within no time you will notice a difference, and your lips will fall over your front teeth nicely. My lips were quite swollen at first when I had them put on, and I'll tell you, I felt like Mr. Ed. But you should see them now, what a major difference. In about a week or two you will notice some improvement. Also, I use wax on the top brackets before I go to work so my top lip doesn't get stuck when I smile. :shock: I wasn't enjoying that very much when it was happening. On top of my lip getting stuck, my f's were whistling. I ended up trying to say my f's very I was almost starting to have some kind of mini-complex. Thank god it passed. :P

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:20 am
by lillibut
It will pass I promise.

I remember reading this board with people saying stuff like "sometimes I forget they're even there" and thinking sheh right!!

However.........sometimes I DO forget that I have them on. Other times I feel like I would love to take them out and leave them on the side for a few hours!!

All you have to think is that it WILL be SO worth it. Picture the joy you will have when they come off and you have a lovely Hollywood smile!

Your mouth will get used to having wierd metal in it. In the meantime as the guys have said, wax, lip balm and lots of water really do help.

Big hugs for this 'getting used to braces' time x

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:30 pm
by lz
acehigh wrote:On top of my lip getting stuck, my f's were whistling.
Oh so there is hope for this??? MY F's WHISTLE TOO hahahaha!!


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:14 am
by LuvBug26
Thank's to everyone who replied to my post. It really helps to know that there are people out there who have gone/are going through what i am. My mouth is just now starting to heal itself a little. My jaw structure is so small that the back brackets on top and bottom are digging into the back of my mouth really bad, especially when I talk or yawn. But i have been using tons of lip balm and wax and lot's of water and it's helping, slowly but surely!!

I go back in 4 weeks for my first adjustment and wire in of my bottom back brackets and i get my bands on too! Yippee!! :yikes:

It really hurts me in the mornings because my mouth stays shut all night and when i wake up it's like everything is stuck together!! That really hurts!! :soremouth:

Has anyone had red ligs? Do they stain or fade at all? I'm thinking about red or green on my next appointment! :HugeGrin:

Thanks again for everyone responding! Makes me feel much better!! (my teeth are still sticking out but i'm looking at the future!!) :banana: