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Upper Schwartz expansion appliance??

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:54 pm
by momymom
I have been braced at 44 for the second time in my life!! The top braces went on in January and the bottoms went on 4 days ago!! I reread my treatment plan today and it mentions an upper Schwarz expansion appliance...What is that?? I can't find any info on it. All 3 of my kids had palate expanders but I only have regular ceramic (tops and bottoms!!!!!!). Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:20 pm
by Dark_angel
There was a picture of one on here a while back, but for the meantime see here. I had a schwartz when i was about 9 or 10 and seem to remember having some success with it, if i hadnt had that i'd probably need surgery now. Anyway the appliance comes with a screw and a key which you turn to make the appliance expand, it can feel a little tight in the mouth after turning it but its not too bad and certainly not the worst appliance i've had.

I remember having problems with my speech although within a week or so i was back to normal, it was also quite a comfortable appliance overall.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:21 am
by gunter8888
I had an upper Schwartz for 6 months. Essentially its a removable palate expander. There are many variations; for instance mine not only had the screw to expand my palate latterally, but also one that expanded forward, but in essence they look like a Hawley retainer that has been split down the middle and an expansion screw added.

They have plusses and minuses compared to traditional, fixed expanders. They are removable for brushing/flossing and (depending on your ortho's directions) eating. On the downside, the extra plastic means they take up even more space in your mouth and can be even harder to learn to speak with.

Overall, they aren't bad and you can get used to them.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:05 am
by momymom
I guess I'm confused then...All of my children had expanders. When my son was 13 he was seen by the ortho for the first time due to some newly discovered issues. The ortho was afraid that my son was too old for an expander, that his palate was done forming and the window of opportunity to expanded it had passed. At my age aren't I WAY past that point??

I had braces as a teen, I wonder why they didn't try an expander then??? I had 4 perm teeth removed back then. I have a very small mouth...although I am sure that my family would disagree!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:40 pm
by jennielee81
Here's a link to a bunch of expanders, the schwartz is on here, on the bottom, as well.

Don't see any info, but there are really good pictures!


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:55 pm
by gunter8888
As Maryaten mentioned there is a lot of discusion about whether or not adult expansion can work. There are plenty of theories on why it should or should not work. During the time I have been on this site I have found that for every person who says it can't be done there are 3 that have had successful expansion. I can tell you that I got well over 6mm of expansion.

Will it work for everyone? No. But, it has worked for a great many of us.