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1st adjustment today! *pics*

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:22 am
by 3Scorpios
Well, today was my first adjustment! :tingrin: Felt very weird, but so far so good..... I'm hoping they don't start hurting like the beginning. We'll see. :Questions:

They are looking great so far, I can already see tons of movement! :dance: Also good I wanted to mention, I had clear ligs the first month and she said they still looked GREAT, hardly any staining and I drink a glass of red wine 3-4x/week and I drink 2 cups of coffee each morning.... plus tons of ketchup, I've had spaghetti sauce, pizza, etc..... I just brush right after each meal :-} and no problems! FYI! :crazy:

Here is a pic from before treatment (my major problem is alignment) --

and one from today, just 28 days in! OH! You'll notice today I got light pink ligs! I let my kids pick the color! :pinkbraces:

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:37 am
by ema27
CONGRATS :D Heres hoping that your teeth continue to move so fast!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:36 am
by lz
wow! thats incredible progress!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:05 am
by mbarbi
congrats!!! just had my first adjustment too :)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:51 pm
by Mommynbraces
Wow! It is amazing at how fast our teeth can move. I can see you are showing movement. Visable movement it not only rewarding but also motivating. EXCELLENT! :tingrin:


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:49 am
by 3Scorpios
Thanks everybody! :HugeGrin: However, today they are KILLIN' me! They didn't start hurting until about 10pm last nite.... then all of a sudden... BOOM! :huh: :FeelSick: I sometimes clinch my teeth at night and it woke me up 2 or 3 times with pain! I'd clinch (evidentally) and then OUCHIE :soremouth:

Oh, well... no pain no gain I suppose...... won't complain too much, I lost 8.5 lbs the first week in my braces, if I can do that each month I'll be in good shape! LOL :thumbsup:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:50 pm
by LaaLaa
Oh my goodness, your teeth are moving so fast!! That's such great news for you! :D I too I guess had a habit for clinching my teeth during the night which I didn't discover until having braces but one thing's for hurts like hell. :x I've pretty much been in constant pain for the past few days after getting four teeth extracted. Gah, I sure hope the pain gets better soon, and very soon because I don't know how long I can keep up with this. :-((

isnt it amazing?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:08 pm
by skyclad
Isnt it amazing how quickly we feel and see movement? Your teeth have definitely had some good movement... :-88 heres to that continuing.