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Adjustment today...owww!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:58 pm
by loulou123
Hi guys

just got back from my adjustment (cant remember what number this one is but its been 10months since being braced!) and thought id fill everyone in on progress.

Had both archwired replaced with thicker wires, made mental note to remember the thickness but have still forgotton it :roll:

The end of the archwire got caught as she was removing it and it felt like my teeth were going to come out on the end of it by the time she got it free-0ww


My upper wire has two little spikes on it which when i asked my ortho said were for elastics and other devices, hmm wonder what other devices exactly??

And on the bottom i now have 8 links of power chain, im not a fan i must admit as i found 4 links last adjustment to be quite painful so not looking forward to 8 at all, there already throbing abit and guess its gonna get worse before it gets better.

Adjustment wise this was a pretty heavy going one to be honest, and i long for the beginning adjustments where only one wire was changed and i could eat 100% normally straight away with no discomfort. :(

Surgery wise apparently the ortho is mostly waiting on one tooth to move and this little buggers gonna take its time. Its my very back molar on the bottom and in front of it i have a 2 space gap (from the extraction of 2 teeth cos of a jaw problem) so the ortho plans to move it forward by one space so that a implant can be fitted into the gap each side if necessary. This is app gonna take some time, as the tooth moves along the jaw bone it has to grow bone as my jaw bone is very narrow here due to complications. So its a matter of seeing how fast this occurs (although i understand theres a chance it will just refuse to bug at all)

Next app im having elastics fitted and then the appointment after that im having the xrays and molds etc to see if we are nearly ready for the surgery. So in 12 weeks i may no when the surgery will be-fingers crossed. :D

Anyway thats all for now!


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:07 pm
by Tamiel34
Gosh, sounds like you had a busy adjustment :shock: I have my first one on June 11. Hope it's not as eventful as yours! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:51 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
My 1st adjustment was just 2 days ago and Im still feeling the pain. I had to get more brackets on the teeth that didn't have any. On my incisor I got a new bracket. But when they tried to remove this sort of a bracket. Just an eyelit thing. it was extremely painful. it was like i was getting a tooth pulled with out numbness. I even got a thicker wire as well.

I feel like i just got braces all over again.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:20 pm
by lz
Yikes sounds rough :(
Tamiel34 wrote:Gosh, sounds like you had a busy adjustment :shock: I have my first one on June 11. Hope it's not as eventful as yours! :D
I remember you are a few days before me in getting braces and our 1st adjustments are on the same day :D cool lol

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:59 am
by loulou123
Thanks everyone

today my teeth are very sore and even my face hurts tho i think this is more from being kinda pulled and tugged about than the actual braces.

Ate some bread and butter for breakfast which i have to be honest hurt like a b***h! :shock: but i persevered as i no in the long run that chewing helps, even if it doesnt feel like it at moment and i refuse to baby my teeth anymore than i really have to.

For you guys who answered me above-not yet having had there 1st adjustment this post wasnt meant to scare you, and for my 1st few adjustments all that happenend was one archwire was changed as i think they tend to like to bring you in gradually so please try not to worry to much.


Anyway thanks for the support guys and ill keep everyone posted,
