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If i could go back in time...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:59 pm
by 19Braceface
I would have choosen metal braces over my ceramic. I look at people with metal and i get jealous...they look sooo darn cute! Ceramics have their advantages, like less cuts and scrapes...but the silver ones are still better. People don't look at your teeth like trying to figure out what is wrong with them, they see the metal and know "braces!"... *sigh*...i want SILVER!!! it was a once in a life time experience (i hope) and i kinda regret getting ceramic. :roll: just had to rant..and rave...

over and out... 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:41 pm
by Way Too Old For This
I had all my metal brackets removed for my daughter's wedding then new ones put back on a few days later. They only charged me $150. Its not that big of might ask your orthodontist if you really hate the ceramics.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:03 am
by momof2grlz
In one respect I agree with the OP. I think people do sometimes do a doubletake trying to figure out if you actually have braces or not when you have ceramics. But . . . I've also had people not even notice I have braces with my ceramics. When I mentioned it, they didn't believe me until they looked closely. I think with ceramics the archwire just looks like a retainer and people assume you've finished treatment.

If I had it to do over again, I think I probably would choose metal. The brackets are smaller, I've heard the debanding is easier (I'll know in a few days), less expensive and the clear ligs on ceramics stain pretty quickly. I know I could have gotten colored ligs, but that just never made sense to me since I chose ceramic brackets.

That's my view on ceramics vs. metal.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:01 am
by LynnHowell
I know I've mentioned this before on other threads...if I had to do it over again, I'd have gone with all metal as well. I did feel as though some people had to do a double-take to see what was going on. The best part about ceramics was right after a visit to the ortho when the ligs were changed since they looked so clean and nice. My ligs always discolored rather quickly (or in contrast to my teeth which were pretty white) and it looked bad.

Toward the end of treatment, I just started going with silver powerchains over the ceramics trying to mimic silver brackets so people would immediately get it: "oh, she has braces."

And to think I paid an additional $600 for that....psssh. :)

Until they can make ligs (such as clear, pearl, and white) that DO NOT discolor at all...ceramics are pointless in my opinion. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:05 am
by Kevin
I think braces are important enough that you should try to enjoy them while you can. It makes the time go by far easier! If you want to switch to metal, go for it! Ask your ortho how much he would charge and do it! If you still have quite a while to go in your treatment it would be a good worth it to change if that's what would make you happy. As I keep saying, how you feel about your braces is just as important as the braces themselves. :)

And, for what it's worth, I had all metal braces and loved them! For anyone else reading this and wanting to make the switch (either way), don't let that influence you. Regardless of what kind of braces you'd rather have, ask about making the change. It'll be worth it to you!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:15 pm
by Betty Bat
Just to balance things off, I don't regret my sapphire (clear) uppers for a moment. No one ever looked at my clear brackets and wondered what they were. No one really cares about your braces except you. And, that is independent of whether your brackets are clear or metal. It's what in your head that's making the difference, not what's on your teeth. Maybe this is just the "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome.

But, I would have rather walked on hot coals with a lit flare up my nose than have metal uppers. The same goes for colored ligs.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:05 pm
by bracieb
or you could have some fun with coloured ligs for awhile first. Who says you have to have clear ligs? Be a rule breaker. Be adventurous. Think of your clear brackets as a conversation starter. "Braces? Really? I had no idea they were so cool!" Or is that "sick"? Tell me about them!"

Really, why worry? I agree that you are probably the only one wondering what is "wrong" with your teeth- everyone else just figures you have a retainer, and are checking out your great looking smile. Remember that nobody else spends as much time with your braces as you do- they don't give them a second thought.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:11 pm
by ScottR
I prefer the look of metal myself... but since you have ceramic you might want to try bright colored ligs on your ceramics. People would know you have braces and colors my solve your staining problems.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:27 am
by ellebee
I agree. I'd choose metal over ceramic if I had a do-over. My solution -- I get the most obvious ligs on my ceramics. This month, I have metallic black. I've also had metallic blue, purple and silver. My first and only time I had ceramic-bracket colored and I hated that something-weird-on-your-teeth look.

Everyone is different and I'm not saying one type is always preferable. I just wish my Ortho had given me the pros and cons, instead of just selling me the ceramics for an extra $400. After the fact, he admitted that metal work better and are smaller and less bulky.

I blame myself for not doing more homework. I just assumed the only difference was color and that ceramics were really "invisible" (and the tooth fairy is real)!

It just doesn't seem worth the cost and bother of switching now. So on with the bright colors. Next month, metallic green!


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:44 pm
by platinum

I have lower metal brackets, and there is no way i will take upper metals too!!!! Ceramics are so so, I would rather take invisalign.

Metal brackets do not look cute or what have you!!
Metal fits for 13 year old pimple face, but not for an adult.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:40 pm
by Kevin
Quote from platinum: "Metal brackets do not look cute or what have you!!
Metal fits for 13 year old pimple face, but not for an adult."

Hmm, There's a flame war waiting to happen...

I looked good with my metal braces and all the colors I wore. I think metal braces look good on everyone. If you don't like it, tough.

You might want to think before you go around insulting people for their choices.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:50 pm
by chillin-in-grilz
I never seen anyone yet with ceremics. Maybe becuase we only have one ortho :lol: Plus I only seen 2 adults with braces.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:07 pm
by platinum
Kevin wrote:Quote from platinum: "Metal brackets do not look cute or what have you!!
Metal fits for 13 year old pimple face, but not for an adult."

Hmm, There's a flame war waiting to happen...

I looked good with my metal braces and all the colors I wore. I think metal braces look good on everyone. If you don't like it, tough.

You might want to think before you go around insulting people for their choices.
I just said my opinion :D
If you are a good looking person, a set of metal brackets in your mouth will make you look bad. I don't know what is the situation if you are not good looking, though.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:24 pm
by smile2006
I have full ceramic. I had full metal on my first go-around with braces in my teens. What I find curious is that when I look in the mirror I think they are visible and more obvious than I had hoped. However, when I see someone else with ceramic braces I think they look fine! I have always had wire ties and no ligs. I've stuck with pearl or clear powerchains and have had little trouble with staining. I might bust out (hahaha) and get light pink at least once before I'm done (my favorite color)!!!! Has anyone tried these with ceramic????

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:52 am
by Clover
Platinum, you are absolutely entitled to express your opinion. But please do consider how your comments could be interpreted by someone who is considering treatment, or who already has braces and is having an "off" day. I myself was given no option, I'm having lower jaw surgery and my surgeon insisted on metal brackets (I'm in the UK). I don't believe they make me "look bad", and I love getting compliments on my teeth. At the end of the day, we're all on this board to support each other. :D