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Hard time closing gaps.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:20 pm
by gcoatsjr
I had my cuspids removed soon after my braces were put on almost two years ago. My left side closed quickly and my doc said that side is perfect. For some reason my right side is not closing. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there something I can ask my doc to speed up the closure beside powerchains. I'm scheduled to have my braces removed in a month but I don't think that will happen because of this.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:28 pm
by Stich
My bottom gaps closed with powerchains but my top gaps were more stubborn. My ortho put springs on the top and then they closed right up, pretty quickly. Good luck, hope you get to keep your debanding date.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:53 pm
by Regina Rose
I had my upper bicuspids removed in August 2006. Earlier this year my ortho switched from powerchains to springs; so far, the right extraction gap is down to about 1.5 mm; however, the one on the left is way behind -- about 4 mm. Although my ortho tells me this is not unusual, it is still frustrating and I know it's adding months to my time in braces.

How large is your extraction gap on the right side? Is the gap just closing slowly, or not at all? Two years seems like a long time to close a gap, even if (like me) you have teeth that move slowly.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:34 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Same story here, gcoatsjr; 2 x upper second bicuspids extracted in Jan 2006.

I was scheduled for debanding in March. March came and went and the right hand side extraction gap is still about 3-4 mm. Frustrating as the left hand side closed a couple of months ago, and my ortho has started promising he'll have my out of braces before Christmas. Each adjustment I keep hoping he'll add something to help close that d*mn gap but so far I've just had powerchains, plus a stint of elastics to help the #6 and #7 molars (both banded) move forward a little.

21 months is a big change to the 14mth treatment plan :roll:

Hang in there :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:59 am
by Dark_angel
I had 4 premolars removed in september 2005 and 1 gap has closed completley and the other 3 are almost there but i really wish i could get rid of them, i hate them.