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HELP!!! Hawley v/s Bonded

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:37 pm
by KDangel18
I go tomorrow to get my impressions made for my retainers. My ortho wants me to get the bonded ones, but i've heard some horror stories about them. I'm thinking of going with the Hawley on top and bottom, just so that I will be able to floss without having to buy the expensive floss for the rest of my life, but I wanted to get some more opinions. Thanks so much :-#)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:28 am
by rsprouse
Bonded retainers require 0 compliance on your part. They can be checked and fixed at regular dental recall appointments. Any removable appliance requires your due diligence. Everybody says they will be good about wearing them but most people are not the best about it as time passes. There are pro's and con's of each. And you don't have to buy floss threaders if you don't want too. You'd be surprised how easy it is to slide regular floss under a bonded retainer wire. And also remember it is only on your anteriors. Good luck with the decision.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:07 am
by LynnHowell
My two cents is that bonded are MUCH easier (and more comfortable, too) than the removable appliances. I have an upper Hawley and a lower bonded, as well as a lower Essix. The bonded retainer is wonderful...the Hawley is the worst.

Hawleys cost a lot more money than the bonded retainers...can't you try the bonded ones out and if you don't like them, then get the Hawleys?

Good luck!