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Uh Oh! Got a sensitive tooth now!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:24 am
by genxsis
Ever since my last adjustment 3 weeks ago, which involved a wire change on my lowers, I've had a bicuspid tooth on my lower right side giving me problems. It is very temperature sensitive to cold drink, and sometimes is pressure sensitive. I feel the pain all the way down to the bottom of my chin, making me think the problem exists in the roots! Also, when I brush the gumline below the tooth, the gum feels sensitive.

I've been to my dentist lately and asked him about it and he thought it sounded consistant with receding gums which would expose part of the root, but he didn't see any evidence of that.

Has anyone has this experience?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:35 pm
by aschelkin
i've been braced for about 8 weeks, and i have had the same experience with both of my canines. these were both originally wayy high up (crowded and small upper arch) and they were very sensitive for a few days when they began to move down. i asked a couple of friends (that had braces a few years ago) and they had similar memories.

my guess is that when teeth move from their original positions more/different parts of the tooth are exposed that they used to be and these are not yet used to heat or cold, making them more sensitive. my gums were VERY sore during brushing, and i had to almost avoid the areas for a couple of days. i bet this is also due to new movement - think of babies when they are teething: their gums hurt, they're cranky, and they feel better when they chew on something cold. i'm guessing its a very similar case. however i think if it doesn't go away in a day or two its worth discussing with your ortho as it could be something more serious.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:11 pm
by genxsis
Thanks for the replies! I guess I should have mentioned that I'm pretty far along with my treatment. I'm about 1 year and 4 months into it. That's what kind of surprises me that I'm starting to have this problem now.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:41 pm
by Delag
I went in for an adjustment about 2 weeks ago (5th? 6th?) and everything was fine. I woke up two days ago with the entire upper right side of my mouth in a different position and a lot of pain. Room temp water hurts and forget ice cream. I'm not worried as the sensitivity came on with the rapid movement. No advice, but at least you know you aren't alone crying over your morning coffee :shock: