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When your teeth have finally straightened...

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:03 am
by ~ Scott ~
Hey there. Ok, so I've searched throughout the forum and can't really find the answer to this, so here it goes:

When your teeth have finally straightened to the point where you can't imagine they can straighten any more, do you need to keep the braces on for much longer? I've asked a few people who I knew had braces before and there are mixed answers. Some ranging from 'Yeah, I got mine off basically when they turned straight, the retainer's to keep them straight.' However, I've read that the bone structures have to form into the new 'straight' shape. But does that mean that has to be done with braces, or a retainer can do that also?

I ask this as my teeth are practically straight at the moment, and I don't have an appointment for another few weeks otherwise I'd ask my ortho. Ofcourse I realise it probably depends on a lot of factors as well as the orthodontist's opinion, but I'm just interested in other peoples' experiences.


Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:33 am
by newmetal
Im glad you asked this question because i was wondering the same.


Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 2:27 pm
by Jillianleab
This topic has come up before here, but I don't think a definite answer has ever been reached... which might mean there isn't a definite answer!

From what I understand, your teeth have to settle a bit with the braces on, and the roots have to be where they belong to avoid future drift. I don't think the retainer alone is strong enough to do this. But, the braces can't be left on for too long, because the wire is still active, and will continue moving your teeth. So really, I think it's a case by case sort of thing (as most of orthodontics seems to be). Ask your ortho at your next appointment, he should be able to give you a better idea!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:26 pm
by kirjax
wow 3-4 years!

I was fortunate I dont have any overbite, crossbites or underbites...however my right side of my jaw is slightly tilted inwards and the ortho said that most likely it is unfixable and I told him flat out. I'm not looking for perfection I just want straight teeth. So on my sheet he wrote that and stated, "bite may be off a bit". My treatment time is 20-24 months.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:35 pm
by Clairey Fairey
Apparently mine will be straight within 6 months but then another 9 months will be spent correcting loads of other stuff.

Yeah I think if you just want straight teeth and your bite is ok then ortho treatment really doesn't take long. It amazing how quick teeth move, spacers can totally re-arrange the teeth within 5 days!!!!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:50 pm
by kirjax
Clairey Fairey wrote:Apparently mine will be straight within 6 months but then another 9 months will be spent correcting loads of other stuff.

Yeah I think if you just want straight teeth and your bite is ok then ortho treatment really doesn't take long. It amazing how quick teeth move, spacers can totally re-arrange the teeth within 5 days!!!!
yeah to straighten teeth is the easy part's realigning everything else and bc were adults it's a lot harder bc our jaws and bone structure has come to a point where it resist the urge to move. Oh the spacers have rearranged my teeth but they can't do anymore harm then whats there! LOL