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NOW the wisdom teeth come through!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:22 pm
by Jenny5
I have had braces for a little over 3 months now and everything has been going great. However, during my third adjustment last week, I got a spring installed. It's not so bad with one exception: now my wisdom tooth on that side is coming through the gum. I have had wisdom teeth for 10 years, but they've always stayed within the gums (they grew forwards instead of down/upwards) and they've never bothered me, so I was told I didn't need to have them out. Now, a few days after getting the spring, I can feel one of them coming through and I have that dull, constant "wisdom teeth headache". Has anyone else had their wisdom teeth come through as a result of braces (if that's even the cause, I'm just guessing) and if so, did they cause any problems? OTC painkillers don't really seem to help and now I'm wondering if I'm going to need my wisdom teeth out. I will definitely talk to my orthodontist about this next time I go in (end of the month) and also with my dentist, whom I will be seeing next month.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:38 pm
My wisdom teeth are postioned the same way yours are. My ortho told me that I should probably have them removed before they start giving me problems. I don't know if the braces have anything to do with it or not. Hopefully your pain doesn't last too long. I see my ortho this Thursday,maybe I'll ask him about it. Good luck for now.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 1:41 pm
by nita
I'm having the same problem! I've been in braces a little over a year, and just a month ago I started to feel one of my wisdom teeth poking through. I'm 25 and had kind of just assumed that they would never come through, but sure enough, a tooth is making its way through the gum back there. :roll:

I asked my dentist about it at my last visit two weeks ago. He looked at it and told me that since it wasn't inflamed or irritated (it isn't causing me any pain or headaches), that we should just let it come through and wait and see if it causes any problems. :?

I still haven't asked my orthodontist about it - he may have a different opinion than my dentist. I'll let you know what my ortho says when I ask him.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 2:21 pm
by Nervous
I actually had my wisdom teeth removed during my braces treatment. It wasn't that bad, maybe you should ask your general dentist about getting them removed. Headaches are not a fun thing to get

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:07 am
by Dark_angel
One of my wisdom teeth (upper left) came through during braces but i didnt even notice it, and my lower right is almost coming through, my dentist is hoping with the removal of a decayed molar my wisdom tooth can come through and act in place of that molar.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:58 am
by pegasus
I don't think this is unusual. Maybe the shifting from the braces helped make room. When I was little, I was told I would have to have my wisdom teeth cut out because they, like yours were pointing sideways and not growing in. However, they did eventually come in on their own. I have already had them all pulled, so that will be one less step for my treatment. I feel for you with those headaches-they are not fun!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:58 pm
by jess214
I have the same problem.. or similar, anyway. My wisdom tooth on my lower left corner has always been just sitting there. The corner has erupted quite a while back but no pain, no annoyance, nothing. (FYI: my bottom wisdom teeth are growing upright, while the top two are horizontally impacted.) Then about a few weeks ago, I noticed that there's this weird feeling coming from the back corner of my mouth. Thank God it doesn't really hurt, but when I happen to chew on my left side, it still feels awfully strange.

I told my ortho about it today at my adjustment, and he said that we (him and I) should just leave it until I'm done with my braces treatment.. which is in at least another year! He did mention that it's going to keep erupting though, and that I'll just have to get used to it. There's a possibility that there would be enough room for it to come out when I'm done with braces (I've had four extractions for braces).. I pray to god that there'll be enough room! I really don't want to have them removed, have my face swell up and all :(

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:29 pm
by e^jtheta
I actually had my wisdom teeth removed during my braces treatment. It wasn't that bad, maybe you should ask your general dentist about getting them removed. Headaches are not a fun thing to get
That's crazy. I see that as my next nightmare waiting to happen. My ortho advised me to get my wisdoms removed as soon as treatment is over. One of them caused me a lot of pain last summer and I had it removed. I'm hoping the others stay put until I'm done with braces.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:31 pm
by Stenopelmatus
Hello everybody!

I'm new here and this is my first post.

I came here in desperation because I'm going through the same issue: two months ago I had new braces and last night... well, keep on reading ;).

Well, last night I was "declogging" my gums with my finger after I ate rice -you know how rice feels- and then I felt a strange thing with my fingertip at the very back of my upper molars. A more cautious and desperate exploration revealed that a wisdom teeth was on its way out!

I felt VERY scared. I'm 30 and never in my life had thought that wisdom teeth could happen to me. I know it sounds strange, but that's the way I feel!

Well, today in the morning I discovered there is YET another wisdom teeth pulling out from my lower jab. More scary thoughts went through my mind.

I cannot contact my ortho doc since her telephone is broken or something. So I came here to see if I could get some answers. Now I can see there's not a big problem to worry about. Seems like it's very common to have emerging wisdom teeth in the middle of a braces treatment. Maybe it's just as Pegasus said, that new teeth now can emerge as molars are making room for them as they move apart.

This forum is great :). Now I feel in peace again.

P.D. I'm very happy with my braces. I even like to wear colorful bands!