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The pain of a powerchain and a mouth full of elastics

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:04 am
by swede
I had my 3rd wire change today and left with a powerchain and bags of elastics. The powerchain hurt a little when they put on, but that's OK. What I very much dislike (I try not to hate anything in life) are the elastics I left with. First of all I can barely open my mouth, and all that practice to speak without lisping was for nothing :( it seems. It is really hard to talk when you can't open your mouth like normal. I sure hope that it gets better. I have to wear them 24/7 and only take off for eating and brushing. I was told to change them 3 times a day. My next appointment is in 7 weeks. I am sure that it varies, but is it common for the elastics to be used for a portion of the treatment in the middle or am I sentenced to elastics for the remainder of my treatment. I sure hope not. They came a lot earlier than I expected.

I was braced on January 31st, will have my Suresmile scan next time and estimated debanding is somewhere in Feb or March of 2008.

I had a really hard time getting used to my braces and not to be self concious about them. Now, I feel like I am back to square one with my mouth full of rubberbands :cry: .

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:51 am
by Miss Smiley
Oooh, sorry to hear about this leg of your journey. I hope things get better for you. Cheer up! :smoken:

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:12 am
by acehigh
Hi there! :D I am 5 months into treatment, and I've also been given elastics as of 3 weeks ago to correct an overjet (overbite). It isn't easy wearing these braces or elastics, but I find that since we've come this far, we have to keep a good attitude and go with the flow. (Which isn't always easy). I'm just glad I wasn't given elastics at the beginning of all this. :shock: You just have to get used to them, like you eventually got used to the braces. Sounds like you're having quite the time opening your mouth. I feel for you, but some day when our teeth are real nice we will all look back and realize it was worth it. :D Hang in there!!


Re: The pain of a powerchain and a mouth full of elastics

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:24 pm
by lionfish
but is it common for the elastics to be used for a portion of the treatment in the middle or am I sentenced to elastics for the remainder of my treatment.
Elastics can come and go depending on what your ortho wants to achieve. I wore four box and triangle elastics full time for 6 months, taking them out only to clean. A couple of months I went nights only on light triangle elastics and more recently I went back to medium strength box at nights and some daytime wear. I will get yet another configuration in a couple of weeks.

One gets used to them very quickly. And they really do move teeth.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 3:38 pm
by Solrosen
A fellow Swede with braces!?