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weird bite involuntary reflex

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:47 pm
by crysredd
Hey everyone...

I have been braced for 2 weeks (tomorrow) and have noticed this weird bite thing going on. I notice out of nowhere when I have my jaw relaxed it will close shut involuntarily. Sometimes I even bite my tongue in the process.

Am I going nuts? Has anyone heard of this?


p.s. - my ortho office just set up this cool website where I can get my record photos so when I get them together along with my braced photos I will post (I know I have been saying this - but I am working on it)

I'm not alone!!!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:12 pm
by Cor1
Hi there OOOh my I thought I had a problem, I have and do the EXACT SAME THING!!!!! And right now I have a tooth being pulled forward on top, and let me tell ya with my mouth SNAPS SHUT WHENEVER IT FREIKEN HURTS!!! I am soooo glad you asked this, hopefully someone will have a good response to it, but it is nice to know that I ain't the only one that seems to have this little PESKY SNAPPIN QUIRK!!!! :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:23 pm
by crysredd
Yes... "snaps shut" would be the perfect way to describe this!
I am relieved to hear that I am not the only one. I am definitely going to mention this to my ortho on my next visit but that's not for 3 weeks (and from working in a doctors office most of my life, this isn't an emergency - lol)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 5:41 pm
by KateG
I had that in the first weeks when my braces went on. I decided it was because there was no comfortable position for my teeth to rest together so I was tensing up to hold them slightly apart. And if I lost concentration my jaw snapped shut. Then my teeth shifted a bit so I could close them and it stopped happening.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:02 pm
by cowlypso
In the first few weeks that I had my braces, that would happen to me in my sleep (I assume). I would wake up with the vague awareness of just having bitten down really hard on one tooth or another and have to feel to make sure that my teeth were all still in my mouth and not broken. Really freaked me out, but it stopped eventually.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:20 pm
by acehigh
I find that now that I wear elastics, I'll wake up in the middle of the night because I've bitten my tongue. :shock: And yes, it's sometimes as if I'm clenching and biting down. I just sort of wiggle my jaw around and fall back asleep. Also, I've had dreams/nightmares about No better place to share this information than on this site. :D
