Feeling a little down lately

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Feeling a little down lately

#1 Post by ccrisis »

Hi all,

I've just reached the 2-month mark and I'm feeling a little down. Teeth are moving, but not in a good way. I have an overbite/overjet and now my bottom teeth (and brackets) are hitting the roof of my my mouth, causing almost constant discomfort when my mouth is closed and pain when I chew. I'm due for my second adjustment tomorrow. To make matters worse, I started Accutane for my skin a month ago, which makes me extremely tired and a little blue. Hoping my bite will start changing in a good way soon. Sorry for venting. How are all my b-day mates doing at this point?

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#2 Post by Taylor »

For those of you with nice skin who dont' know what isotretinoin (Accutane or Roaccutane or Accutane Roche) is, I will explain it. It is the strongest acne drug available and is derived from Vitamin A. There is also a topical version of it, tretinoin (Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Renova, Avita). It significantly decreases the amount of oil made by the oil glands. It is mostly perscribed for severe (significant # of cysts, nodules) acne, but it is possible to get it for moderate. It's not an easy process; it costs roughly over $400 for 60 pills. You also have to go through a series of blood tests. Plus there are a lot of side effects, including a VERY high risk of birth defects for pregnant women, liver damage, dry skin and lips, hair loss, and muscle and joint pains. It has also shown an increased risk of depression, but it hasn't been 100% proven. (I'm an aspiring dermatologist. . .Kind of a skin nerd)
Sorry you're feeling this way, ccrisis. It will all be worth it in a few years :)

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#3 Post by FlyingScotsman »

Hey it's not often you find a fellow braced accutaner! I've got a slight idea how you're feeling with all those annoying sideffects, but hang on in there, it'll be sooo worth it in the end! I finished my accutane treatment a couple of months ago after a four month course and due to be debanded in 7 weeks. To see major transformations in both skin and teeth was a wonder to behold! Here's to your double whammy!

FS :D :D :D

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#4 Post by pegasus »

Hang in there ccrisis! I was on Accutane for 4 months myself-you will see great results with it! I was already on an antideppresant when I went on it, but Accutane can cause depression-so if it gets any worse, call the doc that prescribed it for you!
Your teeth will move in a good way before it is all over with! Keep the faith and keep in touch with us here! :flowerbloom:

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#5 Post by Marley »

Oh ccrisis.. I can totally understand! I was on Accutane for 8 months! The last 4 months were 3 pills a day. Owwww!! Wish I could tell you it doesn't suck! I hope your sad feelings go away!

I found it very uncomfortable.. but then I found good hand cream, lip balm and eye drops that helped it. Man.. there were some mornings I was late for work because I couldn't wake up! My eyes SO dry that they wouldn't open!!

You won't be on Accutane forever.. so hang in there! I have been accutane free since Jan 16th 2004, and SO happy! Barely any acne since!

Hopefully when you're down you can think of how you're going to feel in 1-2 years from now.. :)

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#6 Post by ccrisis »

Meryaten: The good news is I'm only on the Accutane for 5 months, although I'm only one month into it. That's a good suggestion you had about asking the doc if I can decrease the dosage and I will ask when I go in next week. Thank you

KK: I did manage to get a good night's sleep last night and am feeling a bit better today. I definitely think that venting here helps to ease some of the anxiety and really appreciate the support!

Wow Taylor -- you really know your stuff and will be a great dermatologist. By the way, what do you think about the Fraxel laser for rolling scars??

FlyingScotsman: Congratulations on your upcoming debanding!!!! I'm glad both treatments worked out well for you. After having terrible skin and teeth all my life, I'm looking forward to being in your shoes someday.

Pegasus: It's great to hear from people who have had success with Accutane -- it really gives me hope and makes it so much easier to deal with the side effects.
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#7 Post by ccrisis »

Hey Marley,

I have a big tub of Aquaphor (have you used it?) at home and carry a tube of it wherever I go. It helps alot!!! So how are you feeling about your braces at the 2 month mark?

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#8 Post by Marley »

So far so good ccrisis! I still can't picture my teeth moving in the 18-22 mo timeframe.. but who knows :) These braces really haven't been affecting me too much.. I always forget I have them!

Never used that lip stuff, but I'm glad it works for you!! Just remember.. someday you'll be done accutane :)

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looking forward...

#9 Post by wirerose »

It sounds like you have so much to look forward to, new skin and new teeth. I know it can be hard to deal with in the mean time, but remember all of this trouble is for the new you! = ) I have problem skin also. I have never tried accutane, but I have thought about it. I just got my braces on and am looking into different skin treatment options. The main problem with my skin is that it is extremely sensitive to everything.

I hope that everything works out and that a lower dosage can help you feel better. = )


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#10 Post by bracey »

hi ccrisis, I have had my braces around the same amount of time as you and my teeth have straighted out so so much BUT I have a big overjet flare type thing going on because of them straightening out. (I have to post pics when I get a chance)I am just really hoping that the end result will be minus the overjet/flare that is there now.

Also I just wanna say that if that is you in your avatar then you are a really beautiful woman. (hope that doesnt sound too wierd)

Clairey Fairey
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#11 Post by Clairey Fairey »

bracey wrote:hi ccrisis, I have had my braces around the same amount of time as you and my teeth have straighted out so so much BUT I have a big overjet flare type thing going on because of them straightening out. (I have to post pics when I get a chance)I am just really hoping that the end result will be minus the overjet/flare that is there now.

Also I just wanna say that if that is you in your avatar then you are a really beautiful woman. (hope that doesnt sound too wierd)
Yeah apparently when mine 'finally' move, they are gonna be all flared until the IPR is done then they should be pulled in again.

Hope u feel better soon ccrisis. Just think of the end result :-)

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#12 Post by ccrisis »

Jt2lang: The adjustment itself was quick and easy, but my teeth are feeling pretty sore. He put a new wire on the bottom and now - only three days later they seem to be a bit straighter (if that's possible).

Meryaten: I was really able to relax over the weekend. Beautiful, sunny warm weather here in CT, so I napped out in the backyard all day and went for long walks in the evening....my mood improved 100%!!

Wirerose: Do you use Cetaphil products at all on your skin? It's very very mild stuff and most dermatologists recommend it especially for sensitive skin.

Bracey: Thanks for the compliment!! It's pretty funny to me though, as I had to take about 20 pictures of myself in order to get one that looked OK. I really look more like my driver's license photo (ugh!!) Please post your progress pictures when you can.

Clairey Fairey: What's an IPR?
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#13 Post by kirjax »

I am having IPR done as well and I hope it works. It avoids having to have extractions to make room for your teeth.

Interproximal reduction (IPR)
This is a technique in which the orthodontist uses a thin, flexible diamond file to gently smooth and recontour the enamel between adjacent teeth. It is an invaluable technique that is often used to alleviate mild to moderate amounts of crowding when expansion and/or extractions are not the best treatment options for a patient’s unique malocclusion. It can also be used to reshape teeth to look more attractive in appearance.

This procedure is done in small increments, removing only approximately 0.2 millimeters of enamel between two adjacent teeth at one time. Since there are no nerve endings in enamel, the procedure is painless and does not require any anesthetic. The interproximal reduction is strategically distributed among several teeth and additively will provide the needed space to align crowded teeth.

There have been numerous clinical studies that have shown that IPR does not make teeth more susceptible to decay. Furthermore, the studies have concluded that the gums supporting teeth that have had IPR are not more prone to developing gum disease.

For more information about IPR, please visit the web site of the American Association of Orthodontists, www.braces.org and search under the term interproximal reduction.


Sentenced: 20-24 months
Braced May 11, 2007
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21 months in braces, 17 months in elastic, NO regrets!! Now in Hawley retainers!!

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#14 Post by Clairey Fairey »

Kirjax has pretty much summed it up!! :D

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