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Blue Gunk

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 3:52 am
by Windpetal
I had my braces put on a week ago, and after they were put on my back molars weren't biting down at all do they put this blue stuff on my upper molars so that I can bit down.

It has been driving me crazy! I feel like I have food stuck up there all the time and it doesnt feel like a normal bite!

Is this normal...anyone else have this problem? Thanks!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:17 am
by PfectPitch
Well, it sounds like you have the same stuff I do. It's bright blue dental cement they put on your molars so that you cannot bite down all the way. In my case it was because I have a deep bite and my upper teeth would have sheared off the brackets on the lower incisors. I also have "bite bumpers", little rubber gizmos that are on the lower incisor brackets to prevent them from being bitten off. It's hard to get used to at first but after awhile the blue stuff wears down some and is not so noticeable. There are lots of folks on this site in the same situation. Good Luck!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:23 pm
by nice teeth

I have the blue stuff too. My whole bite is way off. It's annoying but I've had my braces on for 7 months so I'm getting use to it.

When my blue stuff started to wear off I was chipping my teeth on my brces, So now I have a chipped tooth. They also had to put 2 rubberbands around my brackets so my front teeth don't get chipped anymore.

Just make sure you pay attention to the blue stuff wearing down or you might chip your teeth.