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Ortho hasn't put bracket back on - tooth moved

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:31 pm
by slyder

A couple of months ago one of my brackets pinged off during an adjustment. It was one of my upper back ones.

The Ortho said that to put in the final thick archwire, he would have to leave the bracket off, as it would ping off again.

Everytime since I have been back for an adjustment, he has said it doesn't need to go back on. However I think this tooth has now shifted out of alignment with the rest of my bracketed teeth!

I'm feeling a bit annoyed by this, should I just point it out to him, and ask to have it bracketed again?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:35 pm
by nice teeth

That happened to me to, my bracket on my bottom molar came off and I keep asking them when they will put it back on and they really never get around to doing it.

Now when I look at my teeth you can really see that the molar is out of place. I'm assuming that it's not going to affect the final out come of teeth, but I'm not sure.