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Getting frustrated Pregnancy slowing treatment.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:08 am
by ucldbmine
I had read some articles about orthos doing research with giving the hormone relaxin to patients to try and speed up the treatment process. Relaxin is a pregnancy hormone released to help move pelvis bone etc. So needless to say when I found out I was pregnant I was extra thrilled thinking I could get this metal out of my mouth a little faster. My original treatment plan had me out of braces in Sept. which would be just in time for my October due date. I really don't want pictures of me with the new baby and braces.
Unfortunately I have hyper emisis (to make long story short means morning sickness on steroids) so I haven't been able to wear my bands much for the last couple months which seems to have stalled my treatment. I am tired of having these things on!!! Ready to say forget perfectly straight teeth and have them taken off now.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:41 am
by Carolinahigh12
I am sorry to hear that all has not been well with the braces during your pregnancy. You have come to far to turn back now. :) Hang on for a little while and see what other options you may have. I know how it is being pregnant ( I had my twins by natural birth, no medication, and a 30 min wait between the two) and how EVERYTHING frustrates you. Remember the reasons why you where referred and why you said yes to the treatment. Think of the many years to come with the smile that you wanted and taking those beautiful photos with your new baby.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:17 pm
by Delag
My SIL had hyper emisis with her pregnancies - it is evil and you should be worshiped as a hero of motherhood. I know I alway got a little...... reckless when I was pg (my dh uses other words which include neurotic and b**chy). Don't let the horomones drive you to do something insane involving a pair of pliers and your teeth. Each day brings you closer to the end of the pg and the end of braces. As to the pictures....who looks at the Mommy?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:54 pm
by bracieb
Once the baby is born time will absolutely FLY, so don't let it get you down now. I was sick for 5-6 moths with both pregnancies- it is super YUCK. Good luck getting it over with soon. The twins were the worst, of course. But after they were born I had no time to worry about my teeth!
Your bigger problem will be finding time to brush them ; )

Hang in there! It's worth it!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 1:21 am
by TheShmo
*bleh* I was never diagnosed hyperemesis but was sick my ENTIRE pregnancy (even threw up during lovely!). I just got my braces on this past March, and my husband and I are talking about trying later this year to get pregnant again.... I am nervous b/c some days brushing my teeth normally made me throw up worse, and I am afraid I won't be able to continue my over-the-top oral hygiene... not to mention the effect of stomach acid on enamel! Can't be good for the braces, either (sorry if that grosses ppl out LOL)

I also know what you mean about braces on your delivery day... but like Delag said, everyone will be looking at the baby anyway ;)

Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck on whatever you decide to do, and congrats on your pregnancy!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:38 am
by cally
My neighbor went thru a pregnancy, delivery and first several months of baby's life with braces several years ago. No one gave it a second thought. I wouldn't worry about anything but keeping the baby safe and happy inside until he/she is ready to be born!


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:35 pm
by Ravishing

I just wanted to say hang in there. I'm pregnant too so you're not the only mommy to be on the board.
I haven't been sick at all so I can't relate to what you're going through but I would encourage you to keep up with your braces if at all possible. I'll have mine on for almost a year after our baby is born. I'm not too excited about having them in our pictures but like others have said, I'm sure it will be all about the baby at that point anyway.

I hope you start feeling better soon


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:29 pm
by QKate
I am sorry for your troubles, but am happy to find this link about pregnancy and braces. I am due to get braces Hopefully by June or July. It's been a ling journey to get even here, clearing up periodontal disease, still searching for the right ortho who can deal with my bone loss issues. Additionally, my parter and I are planning to get pregnant ASAP!!! Hopefully that will happen soon. I was originally thinking of waiting till after the braces but . . I am 34 and I am ready to have a baby. So I will be having both experiences at the same time. I was thinking (if all goes as hoped) I might ask the ortho to remove the braces for the birth, not for pictures but for comfort! We'll see.