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Damon III with Class II Maloclussion - 2 years!!!!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:25 am
by starzin
Hi to all my brace buddies!!
I know that you guys will have great answers as always.
I'm depending on you.
I have a class II maloclussion and was wearing Damon 3's "speed braces".....until yesterday when my ortho suprisingly took them off and is going to switch to "traditional" brackets.
I was not making enough progress (2 years!!!).
The doors were impossible to open and very painful at adjustments.
He also wants to put in "micropins" (screws)
My ortho believes that this will speed up the treatment time.
I sure hope so!!!
Has anyone had similiar experiences?
Many thanks.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:36 pm
by Lisa65
Micro implants are increasingly being used as temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics. I also have a class II and am having my molars pushed back using screws, and it's working well.

I've replied to your other post about implants :D
