Does anyone else have to wear elastics while eating

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Does anyone else have to wear elastics while eating

#1 Post by mominbraces »

For about one month now I have been wearing
elastics going from my upper canines to lower
molars. Ortho said to wear then **especially** when
eating. He said that was the only time they are really
doing anything for me, when my mouth was moving.
Fine...but the problem is that he has brought my
bite out so far forward that for months I have
not been able to use my front teeth for biting.
Now with these elastics, my remaining range of
eating motion has been cut in half. The bottom line is
that I cannot eat without having the elastics pop off
and/or food falling out my mouth. I feel like a freak,
and have probably swallowed way too many elastics.
I explained this all to the ortho but he was indifferent,
just shrugged and said if I take them off to eat then
I'll just spend more time in braces (thanks alot!).
Anyone else had to to manage this? Thanks.

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#2 Post by acehigh » sound pretty unhappy about this whole elastic thing. I also wear elastics (overjet/overbite), but I do take them out when eating, although sometimes I leave them in for simple snacking. I guess your ortho wants you to keep them in while eating so that you bite down in the right spot. If it was me, I would take them out depending on who I'm eating around.


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#3 Post by lionfish »

I ate with elastics in place for 6 months and for 3 of those months I had four of them: two box and two triangles. Yes, they break, dislodge and get swallowed (if I had a dollar for everyone I've swallowed...), and they are a right pain in the neck. But I stuck with it because I was told I'd get the best results in the shortest time with maximum wear. And goodness knows, I do not want to prolong treatment.

So I'd suggest you stick with what your ortho has asked you to do.

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#4 Post by lionfish »

I should have said they're a pain in the bum. Ha ha!!

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Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:59 pm

#5 Post by Pepper »

It was recommended to me, but I rarely did.

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