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Request Early Removal??

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:06 pm
by TLB in Minneapolis
I'm not correcting a bite issue or anything so my question is,

I got my braces May 2nd. Once my teeth are straightened, can I ask for my braces to be removed even though my treatment time was estimated at 9-12 months? My sister's wedding is at the end of September and I'm willing to take whatever my teeth look like at that point so I can be out of braces for the wedding.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:26 pm
by ucldbmine
I know the feeling. I was the matron of honor at my sisters wedding this past weekend and would have definitely preferred to not have had the braces on for the photos. I have read on here about people paying extra to take off their braces for their wedding and having them put back on afterward. So talk to your ortho and decide how badly you want the naked wedding smile. I'm going crazy with mine on but after the money you forked out think you should get the most out of em and wait it out till the end.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:39 pm
by skibunnie29
IMHO I would leave the braces on. Those pictures represent you at that time. I am in a wedding this year and I won't have my braces taken off. I'll look back at those photos in years to come and say "ah yes, I was in braces for that" It's part of you during this time.

People aren't picture perfect and weddings no matter how picture perfect the wedding ceremony and party the actual marriage isn't picture perfect, it takes hard work. I would look at the braces like a marriage, hard work, a little discomfort at times, but a beautiful result.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:44 pm
by insanemommy03
I would leave them on.

After spending all that money, I want the best possible smile!!! I wouldn't want to ruin my treatment plan.

I want my money out of them and more!!!!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:26 pm
by TLB in Minneapolis
Thank you Meryaten, insanemommy03, skibunnie29,and ucldbmine for your words of advice!

I am maid of honor. It will be an extra $450 to remove brackets and place them back on. I will wait and see how I feel closer to September. I just found out another bridesmaid is pregnant. She'll be 6 months along at the time of the wedding. Makes for an interesting wedding party- one with braces and another with a little baby bump! lol

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:05 pm
by kirjax
braces aren't that bad in photos. I made my mom take one of me from a distance to see and you can't tell. Nobody even knows I'm wearing them (minus my little niece and nephews who point and stare) lol.

Re: Request Early Removal??

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:18 pm
by bracesafter40
I'm not correcting a bite issue or anything so my question is,

I got my braces May 2nd. Once my teeth are straightened, can I ask for my braces to be removed even though my treatment time was estimated at 9-12 months? My sister's wedding is at the end of September and I'm willing to take whatever my teeth look like at that point so I can be out of braces for the wedding.
I'm not sure why people make such a big deal about braces at a wedding. I just went to my sister's wedding and it was fantastic! I smiled the whole time...No one commented at all, but it was still fun and the pictures are fine.
Just enjoy them and why would you take them off before ur treatment is done? If your leg was broken, would you take off the cast before it was set properly?

So go to your wedding in your braces and have a great time, would be my suggestion.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 4:25 pm
by bracieb
Most of the pics that get put on display are of the whole wedding party from a distance, so why worry? Any closeups will probably stay in the wedding album anyway, and when was the last time you pulled yours out? :lol:

I'd leave 'em on- $450 is an awful lot and you'll have a lot of expenses associated with the wedding before then as it is. Nobody will care if you are wearing braces at the actual wedding itself- all eyes will be for the bride, and if you are wearing ceramics they won't likely notice yours anyhow.

As always, the decision is yours alone, so enjoy yourself and don't think about your braces!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:39 pm
by rkjohnson1969
I actually just asked my ortho about this yesterday - I'll be moving to California from Georgia in December and wondered about my transfer options....I'll have had my braces on for a year when I get ready to move...

he told me that treating adults is very different than treating children - and sometimes there comes a point where an adult can say, hey, I'm happy with my teeth now.....and then he'll just take them off.

that being said, taking them off TOO early will just undo all the work, apparently teeth need time to settle into the new spots, even with a retainer. (I'm planning to get permanent bonded retainers top and bottom).

I decided I'm going to see what things look like in November and we'll talk about it - maybe you can just wait a few months to see how it's going and ask about it then....

but honestly, folks really do barely notice them after a minute - so if you still need more time - give that to yourself!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:41 am
by sneakers321
I am also Maid of Honour in my sister's wedding in 3 weeks. I don't have braces on yet, but I have my expander. Sure it won't be too noticable in the pictures, however giving the speech will be difficult.

I think that there will always be something that will come up during our treatment that we will wish we never had them, but ultimately it is our life and our decision to improve our bites. I'm sure your sister won't care that you have braces on in the pics. My sister is going to laugh hysterically at me trying to talk into a microphone "Thith toatht ith for my thithter!" as it all makes the entire day unique.

Having said that, if you do wish to spend the extra money on having them removed for one day, then do what will make you happy. But I'd personally take that $450 and spend it on a weekend away sipping daquiris on the beach after the stress of the wedding preparations!

All the best!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:11 pm
by OrangeGeek
I'm planning on getting married summer 2008, but my braces aren't planning on coming off until fall 2008, so I will have them temporarily taken off for the Big Day and put right back on before the honeymoon and other stuff.

I know that it sounds superficial, but I don't want the metal glare in pics of my wedding.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 3:25 am
by Clairey Fairey
I wouldn't mind if me or anyone else in the wedding party had braces if it was for my own wedding, but for someone elses I would feel a bit paranoid and think that I should perhaps make an effort to have them removed for their wedding photos....if you get what I mean.

I'm a bridesmaid next July (2008) and if all goes to plan they will be removed (for good) early July. So I'm hoping that it will be the first time some people see me without the braces!! Can't wait!!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:16 am
by Carolinahigh12
If you only have 9-12 months in treatment, and you are basically doing this for cosmetic reasons, why didnt you go with Invisilign? I am assuming that you might have 100% metal if you are wanting them out before the wedding. Maybe instead of using the 450 to remove the braces, why not consult with the ortho and use that money to switch to invisilign instead? Then that would save you the time to have them removed and to have them put back on.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:02 am
by loulou123

i was bridesmaid at my uncles wedding on saturday, and my braces didnt even cross my mind, except for after eating.

Its likely that alot of the people at the wedding have either seen you with your braces or at least no you wear them, so surely its no big deal really.

Ive seen some of the pics and my braces are barely visable.


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:25 pm
by skibunnie29
Meryaten wrote:If someone didn't want me to be wearing braces in their wedding pictures, then thanks but I'd pass on being in the wedding ... oh and don't bother to send me a list of where you're registered either ;)
Right on!! Take and love people for who they are. I would not DARE ask a friend to remove her braces for my wedding. I would love her and appreciate her for being part of my big day. :)