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Which colored ligatures stain the least?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:49 pm
by Jo
I had braces fitted 2 months. The first month I chose white.. big mistake.. were yellow after 2 weeks. The next month I chose the new opalescent color. Coming into my 2nd week and they are starting to discolor. I drink a lot of tea and YES i'm a curry eater.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me which would be the best color to choose to get me through 4 weeks. If anyone can share their experiences i would greatly appreciate it.
I am 37 years old so i am hoping to blend in..not game to make a statement as i am still adjusting to life with braces.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:06 pm
by lionfish
I've currently got silver ligs. I've thrown several curries at them and they haven't changed colour.

I've also found lilac to be stain resistant, but a bit less discreet than silver.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 5:48 pm
by Jo
Thanks everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it. I have ceramic on top and at first i thought the ceramic was stained when my ligatures started to stain. I only have top braces at this stage until my bite is corrected and i regretted getting ceramic it at first as the braces and ligs seemed to make my teeth look so yellow. i hated them and wished i had gone for metal. :(

i get my lower braces at the end of july and my orthodontist said metal will be best as they are less bulky and won't affect as much as having ceramic on top and bottom.

i have the new peal opalescent ligatures on and so far so good. have had them for nearly 2 weeks. will see how i go at the end of 4 weeks and if no good will try the grey/smokey colour or silver/grey. once i adjust to life with braces who knows.. maybe i will go bold and make a statement of them instead of trying to blend them in :lol:


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:42 am
by siui6
i have my braces for jus ova two weeks now n i put in the silver ligs and they are already an olivey-greeny grossy colur:) hope i get them changed at my next appointment..but thats only in another 2 weeks time!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:58 am
by Brandyleigh35
Silver, and metallic blue have both worked well for me, silver is sometime more greeny though by change out time. The metallic blue faded to a bit lighter blue over time but never stained or looked bad. I thin it is the best I have found so far. I have white now and have manged to keep them pretty clean for 2 weeks now. I quite drinking coffee though and don't eat curry so that is probably why! LOL..


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:58 pm
by kirjax
I chose PEARL. It's an alternative to clear. She said it would stain less. But I am in 8 days with mine and have not discoloration whatsoever. I also avoid foods that could discolor and I don't drink tea, coffee or soda. Basically I only drink water and sometimes I have white raspberry tea, orange juice or milk.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:43 pm
by nice teeth
I found out that I'm not wearing ligs, they are actually bumpers :oops: . They only come in clear and they stain bad.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:24 pm
by Miss Smiley
I was pleased with smoke even with curry, chili, and mustard. I found that clear was just too tedious and yellowed or turned orange no matter what. Right now, I have silver on the upper and pink on the lowers so we'll just have to wait a few weeks and see how those do. I'm also testing a glow in the dark because the assistant asked if she could test the stain resistancy because they just got them in. I said sure, so I have one glow in the dark lig sitting on a molar.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:17 pm
by MetalMouse
I have had white ever since I had braces (about 10 months now). I haven't really noticed them staining much, until recently. I just went to the dentist the first time since I had braces (yes, shame on me). and they told me about spots on the teeth after braces. That was the first time I heard anything about that, and I haven't been that good of a brusher over the last several years. So that got my attention and I went out and bought a Sonicare toothbrush and now I'm obsessed with nice white teeth..

Soo.. I think I am going to try silver or another color that doesn't stain as much. People have told me they can't tell I have braces, or they just think I have a retainer - which is nice :) So I may have to come-out-of-the-braces-closet and try silver, or something else.

Especially since I will be traveling across the country in a few weeks and meeting very important people :)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:15 pm
by SkyWolf
I've had braces a year and a half now and have experimented with lots of colors and patterns. I have found that the 4 hardest colors for me to stain were Hot pink, Teal, Silver, and my favorite Black. Dark or bright colors tend to be hardest to stain.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:43 pm
by Kat
I have clears on ceramics on the top and metals on the bottom.
At first I had clear ligs-big yuk! Second the opaque, they stained bad yellow. Then My ortho put white metal ties on and I must say they are perfect. PERFECT. Did I say PERFECT?
If I am unable to use them at some point I don't know what to do. I've studided this subject far and wide. I do however on the metal bottoms have the silver ligs. They blend in perfecr and I do have a nice look of white teeth with them. They say the darker the color the less staining. I'll try blue (dark) if I have to go with a coloerd lig.
If I wanted to add color to my mouth with ligs I would/will stay away from the liter shades so my teeth themselves will stay a white shade instead of the ligs picking up any yellowing in the natural tooth.
It is a hard choice as a adult. Easy for a kid.
Look at the color lig thread if you haven't already.

Re: Which colored ligatures stain the least?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:43 pm
by ProudMama1015
The first time, I got lime green and pink, then I went with teal and purple. 3rd time I got green and pink again, this time I got light blue and pink. I have had good luck with all of those colors so far.

Re: Which colored ligatures stain the least?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:35 am
by Michi0330
When I first got my ceramic braces on I had clear ligs and that was a huge mistake! Now I always get silver and nothing seems to ever stain them and they are still not very noticeable.

Re: Which colored ligatures stain the least?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:40 pm
by Aaeolien
I did clear on the top and silver on the bottom when I had my braces first put on (Ceramic top, Metal bottom). 2nd month Kids said "Daddy you can get colors, you should get blue" I said "Ok blue on the bottom?" They said "No on the top and the bottom" So now I am rocking the Royal blue on the top and the bottom. Yep on the ceramic and everything. LOL Hey at least they didn't pick Fuschia or something really wacky.. That'll be next month I can already see it. LOL

Re: Which colored ligatures stain the least?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:22 pm
by NeilH
Black, definitely my favourite by far!