Calculus Buildup--any advice?

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Calculus Buildup--any advice?

#1 Post by wirerose »

Hi everyone,

I had my uppers put on about two weeks ago. Just prior to this, I had root scaling to remove any calculus below the gumline. I was assured that most people never have to do this again.

I just went in to see my dentist on Tuesday and he had to scrape calculus deposits from around my front teeth already! He then proceeded to tell me that I need to do a better job of brushing and flossing and that I may just want to get veneers after my braces are off. This was Tuesday, and I have been so discouraged that it took me until today to even post anything about it. He also advised me to STOP using Listerine.

Now, I really take offense to his words about not brushing and flossing enough. Here was my daily routine prior to Tuesday:

1. Brush with Sonicare Elite 2.5 minutes, morning, after each meal, and prior to bed (about 4 times per day)

2. Rinse with Listerine after each brushing (about 4 times per day)

3. Floss at least once a day for 20 minutes (I could go faster, but I take a lot of time on each tooth to get it really clean)

4. Diet consists of no sugars or sweets for many years now. I eat healthy food and drink a cup or two of green tea per day (then brush and rinse!)

Since I was informed that this routine is not good enough I have now stepped up my Sonicare brushing from 2.5 minutes to about 4 minutes. I spend 30 seconds angled up along the top arch, 30 seconds angled down at the braces on the top arch, 30 seconds angled up at the braces on the top arch, 30 seconds angled down outside the lower arch, and so on and so forth. I also spend about 1 minute polishing along the gumline once the toothbrush turns off.

I brush 4-5 times per day. However I am now extremely paranoid about the number of seconds it takes to get from the kitchen to my toothbrush. I am also pressing a little harder than before, perhaps I was expecting the toothbrush to do all of the work?

After brushing, I rinse with the Listerine (except that he told me NOT to use Listerine, so should I or not?)

My nighttime routine now includes flossing for 20 minutes, as before. However I now use two strands of the Crest SuperFloss, one for each arch (which by the way I hate because little fuzzballs of it get caught in the braces) instead of one, just in case I was redepositing the invisible forces of calculus on other teeth.

After flossing, I put some PreviDent Flouride gel on a proxy brush and use it to brush in between each bracket. I then follow the directions on the Prevident to brush all of my teeth and leave it for one minute. Afterwards, I spit it out and go to bed. Of course, by this time the hubby has long since given up on me ever coming to bed.

I don't even know what esle to do. I was so proud of my routine before, now I just feel like all of this work isn't even getting me anywhere. I thougth I was doing such a good job. = (

I can't believe he told me I should get veneers after I am done. I think my teeth look great, they just need to be straightened out. Sigh... Does anyone else have any advice about calculus buildup? Does my routine seem like I am slacking off somewhere? I can still see his skeptical face when I told him my routine.


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#2 Post by GinaLime »

One thing --are we talking about CALCIUM deposits here? I'm a newbie, so I'm not sure what a calculus deposit is. But a cousin of mine had calcium deposits on their teeth due to a vitamin deficiency, so that may be a factor for you too. I think some medications can cause it, too.

You sound like you have a GREAT toothcare regime -- I would get a second opinion! Good luck!

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#3 Post by rsprouse »

It is about quality, not quantity. I have seen people that brush and floss more than you that have heavy plaque and calculus buildup. And I have seen people that brush 2x/day and floss 1x/day that have 0 plaque buildup. Everyone is different. You can brush 20 times per day for 10 minutes each time and if you don't do it right then you are not doing much gain. Hold your brush at a 45 degree angle toward the gum line. Then in a simple and light circular motion brush down towards the gum line. Regards to flossing, wrap the floss around the curvature of the tooth and gently brush up and down conforming the floss to the tooth. Reposition the floss to the adjacent tooth, repeat over and over....

Calculus is simply mineralized plaque. You have a salivary gland under your tongue that empties frequently onto the back of your front teeth. It is a common place for calculus buildup and doesn't mean that you will have subgingival calculus which is why you had root planing. Google the "modified bass" technique and ask your Dentist or Hygenist for a couple lessons to re-enforce proper brushing. Patience and diligence will prevail, you are obviously motivated which is the hardest part.

Good Luck,

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#4 Post by wirerose »

GinaLime, I am not sure what the heck it is. I know that for the past ten weeks Calculus has been the bane of my existence! I have been TAKING the class Calculus and having my Oral Hygenist scraping Calculus (that is what she calls it!) off of my teeth! From my understanding, calculus is one step up from plaque, like when plaque builds up and then hardens. I just can't imagine when or from what it is finding the time or materials to do this when I am right on top of my routine every minute.

KK, thank you, I will be sure to ask them to observe my technique when I go back. In fact, my cousin is an Oral Hygenist so I will ask her also. I have asked her in the past, AND I follow the instructions in my braces pamplets. I angle the brush 45 degrees to my teeth against the gumline. You are so right though, I am sure to have a habit about how I am brushing and this makes it hard for me to observe. I will ask my husband to watch me (though I usually forbid him from watching me brush my teeth...) and see if he notices anything I could be doing wrong.

Meryaten, I am sure you are right about the Listerine. (It just doesn't seem as fresh if I skip it for some reason..) What is CPC? I noticed your mention of using the ACT ( I think) rinse in another post and I was planning on trying this instead, does it have alcohol? You are correct, prior to my dentist visit I was not using the proxy brush and I have added that since. I hope that this will help. Actually, the brackets are staying super clean, it is just a buildup along my gumline and between my teeth. I even felt it within an hour of them putting the braces on. I thought that it was leftover cement or something (hey...maybe it is! big sigh of relief!)
= P

Thank you so much for your responses. I feel better already. = )


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#5 Post by wirerose »

Meryaten, I looked up the Pro-Health and I will be picking some up tomorrow to use in the morning. So...I shouldn't use it after brushing each time?

rsprouse, thank you for your advice, I think I just missed your post while I was trying to keep up and respond. I can say that I am very glad that I went in to see my dentist to get this eye-opener. As much as it crumpled my flower to hear him say what he did, I would rather hear it now than down the road when more damage had been done. I have watched videos and watch in the mirror to be sure I mimic the movements to the best of my knowledge I am doing it right. I do have one question, with the sonicare do you still move in the circular motion? My dentist told me that the problem is also my saliva composition. I agree with the quality vs. quantity and I am going to ask my hygenist to watch and offer some advice after watching me brush. Thank you!

Meryaten, I agree, his manner was less than caring. He offered me nothing but the suggestion of veneers when this is over. Great! Two weeks into a long drawn out process for better teeth and then we can just cover them up for 8 grand! I was totally discouraged. Maybe he is just irritated that I didn't go with the Ortho he recommended? I am just grasping at any reason that means my teeth are salvageable. :(

I really appreciate you all taking the time to post a response. Your advice has not fallen on def ears!

Take care,


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disclosing tablets

#6 Post by DirtyMartini »

I'm new here and have yet to get braced but I'll add a suggestion...

go and buy some disclosing tablets at your supermarket or chemist (about 10 tablets for AUD 2.50)

before using these tablets go through your usual dental routine (brush, floss, yadda yadda yadda) THEN use one of the tablets (pop it into your mouth, bite down on it and then swish it around your mouth for a full minute)

examine your mouth to see where the pink dye settles...if you use these tablets once every couple of days you'll soon learn where it is that you regularly 'miss' on your cleaning schedule (this is why I suggest brushing as usual first...because you'll see large areas of your teeth are clean but there may be certain areas that are all pinked up that you *thought* you had thoroughly cleaned).

hope this helps.

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#7 Post by Lisa65 »

For me the worst place for plaque is between my front bottom teeth. I guess it's because of what Rory said - that the saliva gland empties itself there. Despite thorough brushing and flossing I still have to get in there with a scaler once every couple of weeks or so because if I don't, it turns to tartar (a chalky-looking stuff between the teeth)

Scraping it off is the only solution I have found to remove it all from that area. I don't get tartar build-up anywhere else.

Pixel Witch
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Re: disclosing tablets

#8 Post by Pixel Witch »

I'm new here and have yet to get braced but I'll add a suggestion...

go and buy some disclosing tablets at your supermarket or chemist (about 10 tablets for AUD 2.50)

before using these tablets go through your usual dental routine (brush, floss, yadda yadda yadda) THEN use one of the tablets (pop it into your mouth, bite down on it and then swish it around your mouth for a full minute)

examine your mouth to see where the pink dye settles...if you use these tablets once every couple of days you'll soon learn where it is that you regularly 'miss' on your cleaning schedule (this is why I suggest brushing as usual first...because you'll see large areas of your teeth are clean but there may be certain areas that are all pinked up that you *thought* you had thoroughly cleaned).

hope this helps.
I totally remember those from elementary school. We looked forward to the "Teeth Brushing Campaign" every single year just so we could use those tablets and see how greatly clean our teeth were. (lol)

I had no idea you could buy them at the store like that. :D

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#9 Post by wirerose »

DirtyMartini, Thank you, that is a really good idea. I actually have some for my kids. I will try that and see if it helps.

I really think that it is as he said, the saliva. I think that by drinking more water I can hopefully dilute the problem.

Lisa65, I have been seriously thinking I need to get a dental scaler thing as well. The only question I have is whether you have asked your dentist about scraping it yourself. My cousin, a hygenist, suggested that I not try to scrape calculus from my teeth as I could damage the enamel and make the problem worse. As much as I hate the stuff, I would hate to make another problem.

Thank you for your suggestions. = )


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#10 Post by Lisa65 »

I must admit that I haven't asked, although the main reason for that was that my previous dentist wasn't very good and didn't offer hygiene appointments, so it was my way or no way.

I've just started with a new dentist and see the hygienist next week, so I will try and remember to ask.

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#11 Post by rkjohnson1969 »

some people actually just get worse calculus buildup than others, and it may not matter at all how careful you are! I've been fussed at by hygenists my whole adult life no matter how carefully I floss!

so, my orthodontist checks me every month and says I don't have any plaque buildup, so I must be cleaning well - but then yesterday they noticed calculus behind my bottom front teeth. they just recommended I start 3 month cleanings instead of 6 month - so I'll go in next week to get sandblasted.

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#12 Post by jalapeno »

I noticed around 1 month I was geting a little claculus buildup around the brackets on the front lowers where I have crowding.

I used a plastic scaler (ortho had given them out in a little kit in the beginning) to remove it and since then have been using those little miniature brishes in the picture higher up in this thread to keep it at bay. Every now and then I use the plastic scaler there.

To me your routing seems excessive and you might be in danger of gum recession from it.

I brush 2-3 times a day, gently, use the water pic 2-3x per day, floss once per day, and use those mini brushes about once every other day and the scaler about once per week.

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#13 Post by QKate »

I have to do extra special cleanings due to periodontal disease. I : water pick )lots of gaps at the moment), then brush with rotodent(maybe you could alternate this with your sonicare?) then floss, then- my great periodontist says to pit 1/2 teaspoon of BLEACH into a full waterpick and aim at teeth at 90 degree angle, where tooth meets gum, but not at gum. this helps a lot . I was told by someone else that the vitamin CoQ10 helps decrease plaque

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#14 Post by SecondTimer »

That's a very thorough cleaning routine you have. I had similar issues about four years ago. Once I started using a Sonicare and flossing daily, my condition vastly improved. With the Sonicare, all you have to do is angle it at 45 degrees to the gumline and slowly move it around the arch with light pressure. Make sure you do both the outside and lingual side. Good luck getting this sorted out, as it's no fun getting lectured at the dentist, and must be especially discouraging since you actually do brush and floss frequently.

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#15 Post by kypsis »

I got my braces 1.5 weeks ago, and had a cleaning two weeks prior to that at the regular dentist office. Now I have already noticed calculus buildup behind my two lower front incisors. This is where my teeth are most crowded, so I wonder whether this new buildup is something that was hidden behind other teeth before and now visible due to tooth movmement or whether it's actually new (can it build up in a month since the cleaning?). My next cleaning isn't for another 5 months - is it safe to wait until then? Or should I call for another cleaning now?

Where can you get the plastic scalers yourself if your ortho didn't give one out? Has anyone besides jalapeno used those things themselves? I do understand wirerose's concern though about damaging the enamel - how likely is that to happen? Has anyone's dentist commented on this?

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