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People who understand!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:37 am
by BillyNPhoenix
Just a bit of great news that only people here will understand… my ortho removed my palate expander yesterday and I was so happy I honestly nearly cried. :lol: I try not to talk about it much, but I did mention to a few people what a great day it was and I got a few ‘huh, that’s nice’ responses. I certainly don’t need them to be excited, but it did make me chuckle at the thought that my co-workers really have no idea.

So I thought I’d give a bit of encouragement to those who still have one installed – hang in there, it will be over soon! And we’ll share your excitement when it’s done!

My ortho also inserted spacers in my lower jaw yesterday so I can get the lower arch braced next week, and I’m actually very sore today (much more then the uppers for some reason), but the ability to swallow and speak normally again outweighs the soreness!

Have a good day!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:57 am
by gunter8888
Billy, congrats on losing the expander. They do a valuable job, but they aren't fun. I too was thrilled the day my ortho finally said I was done with the expander. Congrats and best of luck with the rest of your treatment.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:12 am
by kirjax
I had an expander as a kid and I can agree and feel your excitement bc it was nothing short of a great day when that thing was plucked! lol

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:57 am
by SDFD TSchott
'Huh, thats nice'

lol I'm just kidding and giving you a hard time. Congrats that you finally have it removed. I'm glad I didn't have to go through that tourture however my cousin did and she told me every day about how she cannot wait til it comes out.

Anyways congrats again.