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Hot weather....*edit* molar pain w/ filling, is it normal?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:12 pm
by kirjax
last night I woke up and my teeth felt funny. I have yet to have any pain in my left side but this is the second time my right side (and front teeth) are just really uncomfortable. And on top of it it's 91 degrees and humid and I am already miserable from the heat this just makes it worse! My molars feel like someone just took a hammer to them and beat them silly :(

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:15 pm
by kirjax
hmm well it seems as though the tooth that's really bothering me is that same molar that gave me trouble the day I got the molar caps on. My front teeth are sore but that one molar is killing me whenever I chew or put pressure on it. Even flossing sent such a huge yelp from me!

I haven't had this pain since the day the caps were put on.

I have an appointment a week from monday and if it persist I will bring it up to the ortho.

This is my worry. There is a filling in it. The filling is large and it sort of wraps around the whole tooth. Has anyone whose had braces experienced more sensitivity in teeth that have large fillings?

When I was going through the pain the day they were put on the ortho checked the xrays to make sure it was okay and he didn't seemed concerned and when I told him the filling was really old he said, "good because old is really good!" so I have no idea if this pain in this tooth will be like this until the tooth finally comes to it's resting place or if this tooth may need some work done like *gasp* root canal (which I have never had and certainly don;t need another added expense)!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:40 am
by rsprouse
hmm well it seems as though the tooth that's really bothering me is that same molar that gave me trouble the day I got the molar caps on. My front teeth are sore but that one molar is killing me whenever I chew or put pressure on it. Even flossing sent such a huge yelp from me!

I haven't had this pain since the day the caps were put on.
Is it the same type of pain you had at first? If so then I wouldn't worry as it is likely normal.
I have an appointment a week from monday and if it persist I will bring it up to the ortho.
Communication is good :D
This is my worry. There is a filling in it. The filling is large and it sort of wraps around the whole tooth. Has anyone whose had braces experienced more sensitivity in teeth that have large fillings?

When I was going through the pain the day they were put on the ortho checked the xrays to make sure it was okay and he didn't seemed concerned and when I told him the filling was really old he said, "good because old is really good!" so I have no idea if this pain in this tooth will be like this until the tooth finally comes to it's resting place or if this tooth may need some work done like *gasp* root canal (which I have never had and certainly don;t need another added expense)!!!
Old means that it is battle worn and not defective in its basic nature. If it has signs of leaking or failing that is another story, but it is like a good bottle of wine or your parents, "they get better with age". Well fillings don't get better with age, but it is a good sign if it has some years of use under it.
I'm not sure that hairline cracks show up on X-rays, so that's still a possibility.
You are likely not going to ever see a crack in a radiograph. If you do then there are probably some pretty severe clinical symptoms accompanying it.


Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:31 pm
by kirjax
thanks everyone for your input.

Before I got braces I had full xrays before I got a cleaning. That's when they discovered the small cavity. She asked me if the tooth bothered me and I said no. I told her sometimes when I eat other foods though that my other tooth tends to ache. She just said, hmmm. Looked at the xray and said it was fine. So I would assume that the tooth is okay considering I've had extensive xrays for a normal cleaning as well as the ortho work.

Today though in general my mouth is just achy and sore all over. The cleats are once again digging into my tongue (I am so asking for these to be cut off) and I've done nothing but drink water considering it's so hot outside.

but the sensitivity in the tooth is still there in the molar just not as severe as yesterday.

thanks i was going to switch to a sensitive toothpaste anyways bc I am having IPR done and thought that sensodyne would be the better toothpaste to use. I will just wait until my next ortho visit and see where I'm at w/ the pain. Pray it's nothing and it's normal tooth movement. I can't afford any more dental work done to my teeth and I also am completely petrified to have a root canal!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:24 am
by kirjax
slightly improving. thanks.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:50 pm
by missnicki
Hello! sorry about the problems you're having, but you're not alone! I'm having the same ones. I have a filling in a molar that has been bugging me since i got the bottom teeth braced about 4 weeks ago. It aches mostly, just driving me crazy! i'm going to my dentist for a cleaning in a few days, so i'm going to ask him about it. Also, the cleats on the bottom teeth really rubbed my poor tongue raw, i thought they were pushed in as far as they could go, so i just put some wax on it. it helped, but was kinda annoying to have the wax under my tongue! i went in for a broken bracket and mentioned it, and the tech was able to push the cleat in WAY further and i instantly felt better! so it never hurts to ask! good luck! :roll: