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Loose bracket - not happy with ortho response

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:47 am
by swede
I just noticed that I have a loose bracket. It is on the tooth next to my front tooth. I actually wonder if it has been loose for a while and I just didn't notice. The tooth seems to "hang" a little lower than the others so I decided to look at the bracket placement, and that's when I noticed that it was loose.

I called my ortho (who is an hour away) and found out that he has to be there for a rebonding of a bracket. I thought, OK it will be next week if not today. He is OUT at a seminar until JUNE 20TH. That is almost three weeks away (one week from my next adjustment). I am a self proclaimed worrywort, so even though they assured me at the ortho's office that it is OK to wait; I am afraid that the tooth will decide to move somewhere where it doesn't belong. I am wearing elastics and my teeth have been very sore the last few days, so I know that they are in a moving state.

Please give me some words of encouragement that everything will be OK. I am so afraid that I will back track.

I think that the ortho should have someone cover for him though. I can't be the only one needing something in the 2 1/2 weeks he is gone.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:14 am
by sportsgrl97
no worries... it will be fine :D

i had a bracket off once from the middle of august until the middle of november... so 3 months. it took all of a day or two to get the tooth back to where it was supposed to be so dont worry about that... 3 weeks is nothing :D


Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:46 pm
by swede
Thank you for your replies and encouragement! I feel better about it after reading your comments :D . The bracket is secured by a powerchain so I don't think that it will bother me at all. It is actually funny that it is the one and only bracket that came off when I had my first wire put in. It popped off from the pressure and it had to be rebonded. I haven't had any other bracket issues until this just happened.

I am so glad that I have this forum to go to for support! :tingrin:

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:10 pm
by Thathrill
I had a bracket off for 4 days. it didn't affect my teeth other than a lot of pain. if the ortho says its ok it should be. altho if it becomes painful then i would call again.