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New at 36...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:45 am
by Maggie Lou
I'm new and getting ortho at 36 due to a misaligned jaw due to TMJ and overcrowding in a small mouth. I had my wisdom teeth removed three years ago violently, and when I state violently, the oral surgeon fractured my left side of my jaw while extracting my lower left side. Needless to say, I am seeking legal ramifications for that episode. Also due to his carelessness, I developed 7mm pockets on my back two molars where calculus and bacteria began to threaten my jawbone.

I just had my second bicuspids removed upper and lower and get my spacers on Monday the 11th, braced on the 25th. I'm terrified of this experience, although my orthodontist has assured me that everything will be fine. Due to the pockets in the back, he will not be banding my very back molars on either side, and will be using a different technique. I am hoping to NOT have jaw surgery to realign my jaw but that hasn't been officially ruled out.

So here I am.. I found this board when I was doing some seraching on adult orthodontics. Excited for straight teeth and no pain due to my TMJ that has been getting worse with age.. the bright side of this, is my tweleve year old is going to be fitted the following week after I am.. so we will be experiencing all of this together. The bad news- her treatment is a mere 18 months, versus up to 4 years for mine...

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:38 am
by iBorg
WELCOME to the Group! You're among friends that will soon become like family. This group cheers you on, advices you and even, although rarely bickers at you. Don't feel out of place at 36. I thought I was the oldest member at 46, but have since learned several members are in their fifties.

After what you've been through, braces will be relatively easy. There will be challenges, like spacers, but what in life doesn't have challenges. The important thing is this is a procedure (most people on this forum refer to it as a journey) that hopefully will make a positive improvement for the rest of your life. I understand the issues of TMJ. I am awaiting surgery and am hopeful that the popping in my ear will be helped by surgery.

As for wisdom (thanks to KK, our resident Godmother), this is what she was told from her ortho on the day she got her braces:

Don't let braces change your daily life ...
Let this be a positive experience ...
Braces don't stop you from doing things, you do that ...
Attitude is everything ...

My personal advice is to take pictures before the braces, and pictures in the first two days with braces. When you get disgusted with the process, look at the progress shown in those pictures. Even after a couple of weeks, they’ll give you great encouragement. Just recently I posted my consult pictures and where I'm at after eight months. The change absolutely excited me.

Finally have fun wherever you can in the process. Your treatment will be too long if you don't find things to smile and laugh about along the way.


me too..

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:24 pm
by red indian
Hi. I turned 36 last week, and got braces two weeks ago.. I too feel a little foolish.. but then at other times-- I really look forward to how I'll look a year from now. For me the braces are totally for cosmetic reasons.The teeth on my right side are a lot smaller than those on my left... Welcome to the board- its great.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:23 pm
by Aurelia
Good luck on your journey :) I got braces 2 weeks after my 33rd birthday, 1 year and 6 months on they are coming off on the 19th June, you are defo not alone in your age on here, this site is great and you will find good advice. I wish you all the best.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:59 pm
by onedayperfect
good luck 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:16 pm
by joney
Hi Maggie Lou


I can only echo what Mike has said about what a great supportive community archwired is.

My daughter, who is 14, is also in braces. She seems to take the whole process much more in her stride than me but then again at 42 I have had crooked teeth for a lot longer than her. However she is invaluable for putting things into perspective and just getting on with life and ignoring the braces as much as possible. I'm sure your daughter and you will have fun sharing the experience.

Good luck with everything.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:56 am
by chicklets
Welcome Maggie Lou, and congratulations on taking the plunge! I'm 43 and braced for 2 month. My son is braced too, so it's a neat experience going though this together.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:44 pm
by Maggie Lou
Thanks everyone. I just got my spacers this morning.. and I have no issues as of yet, but then again I have four gaping holes from my extractions and the Ortho said I probably won't feel a thing from them other than feeling like something is stuck.. which they do, but nothing like I thought.

Anywho... I'm here... and I'm wondering how this whole adventure is going to be... I'm a nervous nelly when it comes to anything related to my teeth... so I'm a bit anxious, sick and terrified all at once. Kinda like a roller coaster ride when you know the big loops are coming up but you aren't sure how you will end up after...

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:24 pm
by insanemommy03

And good Luck!! Hopefully this will all work out better for you!!!