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Started ortho treatment today (Crozat)

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:23 pm
by miasmama
Hello folks! I posted on here not to long ago about how I was going to start my ortho treatment by getting an appliance called the "Crozat" I have to have this wire on for 9 months before the braces go on. This is an alternative to pulling 4 teeth (not wisdom teeth either, those are already gone). This wire is going to stretch my palette because of crowding in the front. Once my teeth are moved and my palette expands in width the braces can go on. But let me tell you I am kind of miserable right now. :? I'm okay with the fact that my mouth and teeth are sore but trying to eat is SO HARD with a wire on the top and bottom of your mouth. Ugh. 9 months of this. I know, I know I shouldn't complain, I chose to get braces so I just gotta toughin up and deal. I know the pain and annoyance will be worth it when I have a straight beautiful smile. ((Positive thoughts))
Has anyone else had the Crozat appliance? How did you deal? I didn't seem to find anyone last time I posted. Hmmm.
I will post pics once I get a hold of my camera I don't have it with me right now.
Here is a website I found with pics of the crozat for those of you who are not firmilar with it:


Support and advice needed. Thanks everyone! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:11 am
by miasmama
Thanks for the replies and words of encouragement. Today is not too bad. My tongue is kinda sore and still getting used to eating food. I'll keep everyone updated as I go along. :D