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Elastics: Pain and romance :-/

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:30 am
by prettybetty3
Hey Archwire Fam :)

I just got my elastics after 8-9 months of treatment for an 18 month sentance. He told me that this was the home stretch (I have to wear them 24/7 except to eat). Also, he said after 2 weeks, I should double up. Do you think I can be done earlier?

I am in so much pain! Someone please tell me it gets better!

The elastics are like "a big triangle" on both sides and I can barely open my mouth, because of the pain and in fear of them popping!

It's kinda awkward to ask but we are adults here, how have some of you dealt with kissing and stuff like that with these elastics?!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:24 am
by gunter8888
Getting elastics is like most any other change in your treatment. They can produce some pain, but like the pain after an adjustment it too subsides in a few days. My advice? Wear them as much as possilbe! Not only so that they can do their job, but I have found that if I have mine out for more than about an hour the pain returns when I put them back in.

As for romance, don't sweat it. I've never had any issues or complaints in that department. If you're really concerned or your partner has an issue with them it probably won't hurt to have them out for 15-20 minutes.

Best of luck!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:11 pm
by MiamiRox05
Oy, I remember that..... I've had my elastics for like 3 months, and still have a ways to go, but I remember the first few days, I thought I'd never be able to open my mouth again.
But just like when you put the braces on the first time and it hurt like no one's business, eventually it gets better and you get used to it.

AND I remember being so scared of snapping an elastic in my mouth, but really it doesnt hurt as bad as you think, and after you do it a few dozen times (and trust me, you will) you get used to it.

Also, the adult stuff, after you get comfortable with them that you can normally open and close your mouth, then it isn't a problem. But if need be, take them off for a bit.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:42 pm
by acehigh
I'm wearing elastics for an overjet/overbite. It was strange at first, but within days you get used to them. I was told to double up at night after the first week. Once the teeth start moving a bit, the pressure lessens. You won't even know you're wearing them. 8) ( I should mention that at first when I doubled up the elastics the pain was definately there. It's now fine.)


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:01 am
by CanehdianGal

I had my elastics put in April 9th right in the center..2 top/attached to 2 front bottom..It hasn't been pleasant. With my fronts being very tender. Finally they have overlapped my bottom for a natural bite..I am praying they come off June 20th because my ortho is going to put to more on my back molars from the inside out..anyone have that done to widen my jaw/teeth area. And 2 more on the sides /triangle I think.

Will I have the same discomfort as the front..Will there be pain/discomfort when I chew ?

Re: Elastics: Pain and romance :-/

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:06 pm
by DanceGirlErin
On the romance part of it...I'm blessed with a guy that thinks my braces are cute and a turn on, so no negative issues at all there. As for the elastics we make a game of it..we see how long it takes him to unhook them with his tongue. A challenge but LOTS of fun too!