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Share your experience with expanders... An update!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:26 pm
by peach
Hi everyone. I just got braces on June 4th. Clear uppers and metal lowers. In two weeks I have to go back to the ortho to get my upper and lower expanders (the ones with the key)... I heard that it takes some adjusting to be able to speak normally with these things and my job requires me to talk all day long. I don't want my patients to look like this :shock: when I start talking. Can anyone lend some advice on what it's like to have expanders (talking, eating, pain)?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:21 pm
by platinum
There are mayn people in this forum with expanders and even more discuddions about them. Use the search function.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:19 pm
by peach
Thanks Platinum and KK for the advice. I had looked through a lot of the postings and saw that some people asked about whether or not the expanders worked. I couldn't find too much discussion on what it feels like to have expanders. Hmmm...Maybe expanders aren't as exciting as the topic of braces. :( But I was hoping to start a string of conversation for all those out there with expanders so that it would be easy for us newbees to get the info we want and need in one place. So anyone in the expanders club, please discuss your experiences :D I'd love to hear about them :!:

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:44 pm
by samantha_lou
I have an upper RPE, no problems with it whatsoever. Speech is affected for maybe a day or, same with lots of drooling. Eating is challenging for a few days, but then you do learn to eat without smushing all the food up in there constantly. Its never been painful, just a little pressure when turned. My tongue suffered a little bit for the first week, but was fine after that and now I'm so used to it that I rarely notice it! Let me know if you have any specific questions, but I've been so happy with my results from my expander!

Sam Xx

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:27 pm
by yaya2023
Hey Peach, I have a quad helix expander basically has no key... it took a few days to get used to. I had a hard time eating cause food got stuck in it and my tongue didnt know where to go hah! anyway takes a few days you should be fine as far as how it feels... I dunno bout the pressure an stuff cause you'll have a key.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:31 am
by starryeyedfairy
I had the upper expander with the key.
and to be honest, I found it horrible.
It was sooooo bad at first, I kept on gagging on my tongue, I couldn't eat anything that I really wanted and I had a hard time speaking.

Once you get use to it, its not so bad,
you'll occassionally have the slip of the tongue and have to repeat yourself and also you'll get copious amounts of food stuck in it.

so really after the first week or two, its not really that bad just kind of annoying at times.

Also when it comes its going to be weird talking "normal" again too. so be prepared for that.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:33 am
by starryeyedfairy
oh right and i forgot to mention the key turning.

its best to have someone else do it for you, but if you can do it on your own bravo :) because i sure couldn't.

anyways you do feel a bit of pressure, and very very slight pain for about 30 seconds then it goes away.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:13 am
by gunter8888
I had a removable upper expander and it really wasn't a big deal. Yes, it took a little time to get used to speaking with it in, but I found that I sounded worse to myself than I did to anyone else. There is a little discomfort involved, mostly when you first turn the key, but even that was tolerable. One good thing about expanders is that most of us only have them for 6-8 months which isn't all that long.

Do they work? Absolutely! I had great results that I am very pleased with and there are others here who had successful treatments with various types of expanders.

As for speaking, just don't shy away from speaking. You may need to slow down a little and practice ennunciating your words, but you will get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:46 am
by cbushnaq
I had a RPE and though I never got used to it, it did get easier to eat and speak with it. It can be difficult to clean it since everything you eat tries to find its way under it and you will probably find a new creative side to yourself when it comes to ways to remove food.

I never experienced any pain from turning the key just some slight pressure that was usually gone within an hour. And I was not able to turn the key myself. There were a few times that it did not get turned all the way and it took some work to get it lined up again. My hubby had the hardest time turning it since he was always afraid that he would hurt me so I had to have one of my boys get it lined up again. We had quite a few laughs about the whole experience.

When I got my expander put on I let everyone I worked with know ahead of time that I would be having some speech problems so I wouldn't be so embarrassed when I talked.

Good luck with it.


Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:10 am
by sneakers321
Rather than rewrite everything here for you, check out my story- I'm still in an expander (2nd month) and have been updating when I can. Good luck!!

Also feel free to send me a message if you have any questions- I can't guarantee I'll have the answers, but it's nice sometimes just to go through it with someone. :)


Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:19 am
by kirjax
I had an RPE many years ago but mine was not turned by myself it was turned by the ortho and I think I wore it for 9-12 months (can't recall) and it wasn't fun but it wasn't horrible. I'd say that the worst part was the sores it gave me on my tongue. But as far as pain I don't remember having any. Just the typical mouth sores. good luck.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:24 am
by IzzyCharm
I have a quadhelix (expander without a key) it took me weeks to get used to it. I used the Rainbow passage A LOT lol Food STILL gets caught in it. I was originally told I would only have it for 10 weeks and I STILL have it in. I do have a date 4 weeks from now to have it removed. YAY!!

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:50 pm
by peach
Thanks Everybody for your responses! :) It was helpful to hear what your experiences have been like with expanders and lucky me I get to have 2 of them :roll: I actually have one week to go before I get my expanders. I'll post an update once I get them.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:18 pm
by Graceful58
I have both upper and lower expanders about hard to talk at was! It's much better now and you always sound worse to yourself than others...:) I went in for my first 6 week check up and I have to say I was quite upset. I was told that I needed to put my key/wrench in and pull it forward...maybe I misunderstood...but it was wrong. For the past six weeks I've been dong it wrong and it was a huge waste of my time.

I remember the young lady who showed me told me the exact way to use the wrench and that I should put the wrench in making sure the white dot was facing foward and pull it up to the roof of my mouth. That's what she did when she showed yesterday when I had another girl for my appointment she turned the key to the back of mouth and I asked her if she was doing it right...LOL! She said...oh always push it to the back...and that's when I told her that I was shown differently. She did if four times and let me tell you...I could feel the pressure. All this time I was isn't that bad...I hardly feel any pressure at all...well...duh...we know why now. :)

Best of luck to you! OH...and make sure you turn your key the right way!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:42 am
by peach
What a story, Graceful58 :shock: I would be so upset if someone told me the wrong thing to do and it costed me 6 weeks of my treatment time. I will definitely make sure to turn my key the right way!