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I should have been more persistent! (sorry long vent)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:33 pm
by swede
I have had a loose bracket since 6/1. I called the ortho immediately and was told that he was at a seminar and wouldn't be back until 6/20. I expressed my concern MANY times that it was a long way away, but they told me over and over that he had to be there for a rebonding. I hung up, posted a message here, got some encouraging comments and felt a little better.

My tooth decided to REALLY stray and it kept inching closer to a bottom bracket. The tooth moved down, inward, and started to turn. I also started to worry about my Suresmile scan scheduled for 6/28. If that tooth was not back in line by then, I may not be able to do the scan. Anyway, I woke up this morning and decided that I couldn't wait any more. They told me to come in at 11AM. I didn't get my regular tech, but I walked out of there with a rebonded bracket. So much for the ortho having to be there.

I am very happy about that. However, I feel like I took a few steps back and I am frustrated. I walked in with rectangular (or square) wire, powerchain, and elastics. I came out with thin round wire, no powerchain and no elastics. The reasoning is that the thinner wire is more flexible and will let the straying tooth come back in line (the powerchain had actually started to push that tooth inwards and I guess reduced the space for that particular tooth). So, the powerchain was left off so that it wouldn't hinder the tooth to come forward again. And finally, elastics are not used with the thin wire is what they told me. So, I am hoping that all the movement from the elastics and the powerchain will not be lost.

I go back on 6/26 to make sure that I am ready for my scan on 6/28. I am guessing that I will be back to thicker wire, powerchain and elastics at that time. I just can't help but feeling that I lost time here, and I should have been more persistent about getting the bracket back on.

The tech said "oh 9 days may not be enough for that tooth to line back up." It is almost back in line already! I wish I could go back in a couple days to get my "gear" back.

Sorry about the long post!

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:59 pm
by mindykatz
hi swede! I think you sounded very persistent when you called the ortho the first time to complain about the bracket....I'm not sure you could have done too much more. They told you not to worry about it...and they're trained professionals, so if I were in your situation I would have trusted them and waited too! But I also think you were 100% right in calling again and telling them NO-it can NOT wait! Good for you to go on your gut instinct there!

I think you are right to be a little peeved because maybe they could have brought you in a for a real fast look after the first time you called. But the past is past, and hopefully everything is ok for your scan! At least your office will know that you had this problem, and maybe next time you call with a concern they'll be more apt to see you in person!

Good luck with everything! :-#)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:33 pm
by sportsgrl97
hey swede.

i think you did the right thing with calling them back and getting it sorted out :D .

i also think that here in florida it might be against the law (but im not sure) for techs to bond brackets.... that could have been the reason they said wait. by the way, i live in florida too.
