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Times between adjustments....

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:59 am
by skintz
When i had my brace fitted (a week ago to the day), my orthodontist said he would see me again in 4 to 6 weeks, or was it 6 to 8....? Anyway, i got my next appointment letter through and its a whole 10 weeks from when i had my braces fitted. This worries me, it seems ages between adjustments. Is this normal? How long does everyone else have between adjustments?



Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:24 pm
by Lisa65
There's a thread here about this viewtopic.php?t=19607

10 weeks isn't excessive although as a general guide (although it varies widely), six weeks seems to be about the average. 10 weeks won't hold up your treatment. You should see a quite lot of changes in that time, as the teeth can start to align pretty quickly with the thin flexible wires used early in treatment.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:26 pm
by thenumber12
Hey skintz.
When I had my braces the appointments were 4 weeks apart. Rather once every month. Typically I'd say appointments can range from 4-6 weeks apart but it can also depend on the type of braces you have. For self ligating braces such as Damons, there's a longer distance between appointments which can reach up to 6 weeks depending on the case and your orthos approach.
Personally, I've never heard of anyone waiting passed 6 weeks for an appointment.

I would call and ask.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:43 pm
by skintz
I don't know what my braces are, they're the 'full-on train track' type-NHS braces for any british people on here (!).
I've taken some photos of my arches to monitor the progress but 10 weeks seems so long. What happens if one wire's not quite right or something and it sets me 10 weeks back in my treatment? Don't they need to monitor the teeth moving?

Thanks guys


Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:47 pm
by Pixel Witch
Mine told me 6-8 weeks in general, but depending on where we are and what he is currently doing, it can vary from as little as 2 weeks to 3 months.

My first adjustment is 4 weeks after installation ( :lol: ) where I will get an adjustment, new ligs and spacers.

2 weeks after that I get new ligs and molar bands. ( boo!)

After that he thinks 6 weeks to next adj.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:06 pm
by sashafeelgood
Pixel Witch, I am getting spacers 6 weeks after being braced and then getting molar bands the following week like you. I was concerned that I was the only one of the board that gets spacers and molar bands AFTER being braced. Glad to know we are in the same boat. Any idea on why the dentists are using this strategy? I will ask my ortho as well.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:18 pm
by Thathrill
as i posted in the other thread, I was told 8-10 weeks. I have ceramic uppers and bottoms. While I will receive my first adjustment next week at week 7. I am interested to see if it will be another 8-10 weeks after that. I think my teeth moved fairly quickly altho there is one stubborn one lol

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:44 pm
by fmjess
I'm not sure if it was just my ortho sucking up to me, but she seeing me every 4 weeks. She said that if we go 6-8 weeks she "worries about her patients" so she sees us every 4. lol

I seem to be a brat (a 27 year old wuss) and she's left it open to see her whenever I want :oops:

I would go crazy waiting 10 weeks! Like the other posters mentioned, a lot of movement can happen in that time and you'd have wires sticking into your cheeks!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:03 pm
by SinOnYourLips
I also would say, I;m one of the lucky ones and I see my ortho every 4 weeks. But my next adjustment is goin to be in 2 weeks this time! :D

Thingsis I had a wire put it to create space for a tooth and in one month I got more than enough space but it got spread out unevenly, alot on the side where i need it less and less on the side where I actually need it a lil more, but in any case it was a mm away so my ortho said "ok listen wear this for another month and then we def take it off! Although it probably will move enough in 2 weeks!" So me, dying to get the ugly spring out of the front of my mouth, asked my ortho if I could maybe than come in, in 2 weeks instead of 4! And he said "alright!" he said he will see if I have enough space then, and if I do we will get it out, if not I'll wait another 2 weeks.

I love my ortho!

So exactly next week, I'm going in for my already 4th adjustment! Although I only been in braces for...I don't even know, check my ticker :wink:

Yay for shorter time between adjustments!
I know peoeple often fear adjustments because of the uncomfort and pain it brings for a few days after, but every adjustment to me is like a party, I trully would see my ortho every day if I could :shock: