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I think I see some progress!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:03 am
by bracieb
I see by my ticker that it has been 2 months since I got my upper archwire installed. I was feeling rather sorry to think I had had no visible progress since. I can tell when I floss that my teeth are moving, as the flossing is easier in some places and harder in others. I also have only 3 teeth with ligs on for now- the front teeth have to move before the bottom brackets can go on. I can hardly expect dramatic progress.

My tooth next to my front incisors sticks out the most, and at first when the brackets went on it made my mouth look crooked when closed (yeah, baby, lookin' good). One side was noticeably higher than the other, like ~.

Well imagine how pleased I was to notice this week that my mouth at rest is now even and straight. Ha! Progress! SOMETHING must be moving in the right direction! I believe I am the turtle, not the hare, but I'll get there!


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:13 am
by bracieb
Thanks! I have been taking pictures and after my last (1st) adjustment I looked but couldn't see any changes. I was not all that surprised, as I have only 3 teeth actively being worked on, but all the same!

I did note that you have to take the pics of the inside view from exactly the same angle- almost impossible to do yourself, so I can't see if things have moved from that view.

My two girls with the powerchains comment on how much their teeth have moved- the gaps closed right up in 2 weeks it seemed. I must remind myself that they are kids, too, and their teeth move faster.

Ah well, we'll all look good in the end, eh?