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What's this lower wire thingie called?

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:05 am
by bracieb
I have a wire on the inside of my lower arch. I assume it it to push my left side out- the molars there are pushed in toward the inside of my mouth. It was a bear to fit as the left molar it attaches to is twisted. I think it will also push my crooked front tooth out, as it presses on that tooth.

Just wondering what it is called.


Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 6:22 am
by Lisa65
I think it's a bihelix expander, although I can't see it that well from the pic.

There's a pic of one here

Another member here, Gennel, had one too. There's a pic showing it here viewtopic.php?t=18461&highlight=

lingual arch

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:35 am
by jorx
I wear one of those, it is called 'lingual arch' and it is like the TPA but for the lowers. My ortho has told me that it prevents my molars to move forward while she is moving the rest of my teeth.

Well, maybe yours is a little bit different, mine seems to have less loops...

It has not bothered me, except for some tongue soreness and the normal discomfort of having another piece of metal inside the mouth!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:44 pm
by bracieb
Thanks for the replies! Ask a question and disappear for a week- sorry 'bout that!

I remember something about keeping things in place with the molars, and I think it very likely it is an expander too, as my teeth are "pushed in" on that side.

I have an appointment Monday am, so I will report back with answers to the quiz on that day... :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:07 pm
by danz23
If it is a lingual arch I'm curious to know how youre finding it to wear cause I'm probably getting one. Seems like some people find them ok, and some dont same as other appliances but I'm still interested. Specially if you had problems with speech?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:43 pm
by Danielle
Hey, I have one of those too! I have no idea what it's actually called and when I first heard I was getting one I searched these forums up and down as well as Googleing (is that even a word?) lower appliances. My Ortho and her staff always call it an "appliance." I've had it for a month now and other than food getting caught in it and making flossing a little more time consuming I have no complaints!
Specially if you had problems with speech?
I got mine on a Friday afternoon and with a little practice of talking out loud I was mostly fine by Monday morning.