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Unequal Numbers of Teeth ..

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:13 am
by lildreamer
Hi, looking around on this site i have found that many people have an equal number of teeth on either side of their arches ... and i dont seem too! my right lower side has one extra pre molar than the left! i had extractions when i was really young- around 10 and i had 3 removed from the bottom.

Is this normal do you think to have unequal numbers of teeth?
Anyone out there have the same?

Hope evryone is ok, thanks :D

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:37 am
by lildreamer
Oh- i was really getting worried that my ortho wasnt supposed to do that! Thanks :o

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:09 am
by wwdia
I can def. relate!!! Just last week my ortho had me remove the 4th tooth on my upper right arch. It was beacuse the right side is way off and he wants to bring that side in and I'm thinking the front back. I am a bit concerned as well, for the simple fact that (for now) the gap looks so huge and I wondering how in the world us he going to close that gap and still have my front teeth match up. I am getting braced next Tuesday. I will post pictures then!!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:02 am
by Carolinahigh12
In my situation, I will have an odd number of teeth once my braces are installed. I had two wisdom teeth removed and will also have a lower bicuspid removed in a few weeks. My ortho suggested that I have my lower wisdoms removed so that I will not have an uneven bite plane once my teeth shift to the left. He advised that in a patient with a crossbite that this might affect my other molars as far as grinding them down. But he also told me that no one can actual hold 32 teeth in there mouth without some problems, so it is not the norm to maintain all teeth in an adult mouth. Normally he sees adult patients who has already had all of their wisdom teeth removed or need some type of extraction if they are absent a tooth.