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Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:44 am
by lab117
It probably would not hurt to call your ortho. I ended up knocking off one of my brackets a few hours after it was put on by biting down on it. Also, I believe if you have ceramic brackets on your lowers that you can risk damage to your teeth that are hitting them.

I know my ortho was able to just shave a little of the bracket to make sure my teeth did not hit them!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:49 am
by Kat
He'll build up one of your molars with the blue bonding material that will keep you bite opened. I used it and loved it because it kept my teeth safe with no worries. Yep, it's a easy fix. Call.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:39 pm
by nice teeth

This is happening to me too, I've actually chipped my tooth from the brackets...mine are ceramics.

My orthro put on theese little elastic things that go around your bracket called a bumper. They can also build up your molars with that blue stuff so your teeth won't hit the brackets anymore.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:55 pm
by pinkpatrol
I had to have the the blue bonding cement on both sides. Chewing food is really difficult because of that. I have metal brackets. I think they are Innovation-R or something like that. That is one of MANY reasons I decided against ceramic brackets. I didn't want chipped teeth. They can be more difficult to debond and the brackets are larger. I am not in it for the fashion statement anyway. I am only after the end result and I saved myself a little bit of money.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:38 pm
by pinkpatrol
No sweeping statements intended :) I had talked to a some people who had previously had them.....some had them a few years ago and some are current. I was basing my decision on their personal experience. I am doing better with the 'bonded bite separation blobs' They have worn down some-as he told me they would- and I can chew things a little better. Meat is still difficult because I can't get the pieces small enough to swallow on the touger meats. I can manage a hot dog if I break it into pieces and eat it. Sorry off the subject a little :P

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:33 am
by platinum
That is one of MANY reasons I decided against ceramic brackets. I didn't want chipped teeth.
I only get ceramic uppers and I cant see me hitting my upper teeth with my lowers.

My right molars were hitting as they have been since I was fittted two weeks ago but now my upper cuspids are hitting the lower brackets (I have quite an overbite)!
I have a biteplate to prevent that, but I only wear it during the nights. Somehow I have learned not to bite down hard during the day.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:34 am
by cwatt1
He'll build up one of your molars with the blue bonding material that will keep you bite opened. I used it and loved it because it kept my teeth safe with no worries.
I've got a deep bite, so I've had the blue occlusal buildup since my braces were installed last Thursday. They do take some getting used to, but I'm getting there. It seems like an excellent solution. The little silicone "bumpers" over the lower incisors are good too, in conjuction with that (although I was told they will stain).

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:49 am
by cwatt1
Seriously, I also have self-ligating brackets, so I don't think the type of bracket governs whether you can get the "bumpers." They aren't entirely necessary -- my ortho's assistant suggested them and asked me if I wanted them after explaining they could stain -- but I find they make it a little more comfortable if an upper incisor happens to impinge on a lower.

Doesn't happen often with the molar buildup, but it does sometimes, although not a very hard tap ...

I'ts good to know its possible to file down a bracket, though -- I wasn't aware that could be done. Probably not with metal, though, I suspect.