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Yay!! Getting 'em off early!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:25 pm
by MiamiRox05
The original estimated date of removal was going to be November this year. However at my last visit, I wasn't told anything other than things were looking really great. When I got up front to make my appointment, the receptionist first told me, well looks like they're coming off in August and I about did a back flip. Then she stops and sayes, wait no, I'm going to have to check out that. :(
She comes back to say, yeah I was wrong, if everything looks good, you're scheduled to have them taken off as early as the end of July.
WOO HOO! I'm more than excited considering this is almost 4 months earlier than I orginally thought.

I'm a little worried about a gap that hasn't closed up, hopefully it'll all be finished in a month.

Remember people, wear those elastics!!! I've been dedicated to them.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:43 am
by kirjax
that's awesome!

yeah I only have had elastics for two weeks. Hated them at first now I can't stand taking them out! My mouth feels lost without them in!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:05 pm
by ChooChooo
yay for you!!!! :D Actually, I have a very similar situation. I was suppose to have braces until Nov and I am also suppose to be getting them off early (July 20th). so yay for us. I just started wearing elastics, but he only wants me to wear them at night. :?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:09 am
by lelerz
Great news! I can't wait for the day when I hear lines!!!!! 8)