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10 minute visit turns into one hour! I am SOO happy!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:13 pm
by swede
My appointment today was just for the ortho to look to make sure that I am ready for my Suresmile scan on Thursday. So, it was supposed to be a 10 minute appointment. The tech wanted to change out a couple of wire ties before he looked, and low and behold, a bracket popped off.

It is a long story, but the bracket came off last time when I was in to rebond another bracket. I actually didn't like the way she put it back on, more glue around it than what I came in with. Anyway, I figured as long as the bracket stays on, I don't care. So, today, it came off when they put on a wire tie. It worked out GREAT. I had left with thinner wire last time and no rubber bands (again long story) which made me feel like I was backtracking. Today, they of course had to remove the wire to rebond the bracket. Then they put new wire on (back to the thicker wire) and I left with rubber bands. I never thought I would be so happy about having rubber bands back on :lol:

I am back on track and I have the green light for my scan on Thursday! :banana:

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:14 pm
by smile2006
Call me stupid but what is a "Suresmile scan"? Just curious!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:07 pm
by SDFD TSchott
Check this link out for info on Suresmile Scan!
