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How much do braces suck?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:04 am
by Imaking
My dentist said I need braces and surgery but I am not really jumping at it due to the fact of how many people I know that said they sucked. I am wondering how do they suck and are most these people just blowing off steam. i have an under bite with an open bite and since i have had my wisdom teeth pulled my tounge seems to be pushing my teeth futher away. I am just wondering what are the benefits to them and do they really "suck" as bad as all my friends say. I am 18 and also kinda wondering if I will look stupid with them.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:16 am
by BraceMom
I'm not going to lie to you...they DO suck IMO. For me the first few months were excruciating. I have VERY sensitive teeth and biting and chewing were very difficult, I thought many times about having them removed but never seriously since I know I am fixing some bite issues that would continue to get worse and worse. You've got a lot of positive things going for you - you're young and I really believe it's easier when you're younger, you're less set in your ways both physically and mentally. As for looks with braces on, again your youth helps as it doesn't look nearly as odd having braces when you're younger. I continue to be self conscious, espcially when working with my clients but even that has gotten better. It's been almost 5 months for me and while each adjustment causes me some discomfort, my speech and eating ability has gotten MUCH better. I hate getting food stuck everywhere but my trusty water pik and, when I'm out and about, my dental kit, work like a charm. If I can impart any wisdom on this, I would highly suggest you move ahead and get them now, I wish I had done so at your age. My mouth problems certainly didn't go away and in fact, got worse so 20+ years later I'm doing it. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:26 am
by Kevin
I guess they suck as much (or as little) as you want them to. If you go into the process of getting braces looking for how many ways to complain about them I'm sure you'll be able to make quite a list. If you need them, be glad you have the opportunity to get them. Your list will be shorter that way.

As far as how stupid you'll look with braces... Pretty much the same answer as above. You may get a few jokes, but honestly, who cares you have braces except you? If you get braces just smile and be yourself. The more you try to hide them the more attention you'll draw to yourself.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Having braces is as much how you think about them as it is having them on. The braces themselves do their work regardless of what you think about them. They'll be working regardless of if you hate them or love them. Given that, why not anticipate enjoying them? It'll make your life with braces so much easier.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:35 am
by Lisa65
I don't think they suck, and I'm almost 42 years old. I don't think they look stupid either, but maybe I've got past the stage of worrying too much about what people think of me :lol:

They're not always convenient and they can be uncomfortable sometimes. But the way I see it is that I'm doing something constructive for my appearance and my oral health, and if I get a few stares and people wondering why on earth I've subjected myself to a mouthful of metal for 2 years or so, why should I care about their opinion? I'm the one wearing them.

I was offered braces at 20 and refused, because I thought they would look stupid, and because I was told I'd need headgear. I wish I'd swallowed my vanity and done it then a) because it would have been free b) because I'd have had nice teeth for the last 20 years intead of feeling self conscious about my smile and c) because I wouldn't have to be wearing them now.

Only you can decide if it's worth it (for you) or not. But if you don't take the opportunity now and get the treatment over with while you are still young, then you might find yourself in a position in 10 or 20 years where braces are necessary and you will end up going through treatment anyway.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:36 am
by Imaking
I am not to worried about how they will look really because most people that know or dont know me make fun of my gap and how i cant eat anything without being a "caveman" which is kinda annyoing i tell people it aint funny but that never helps so really it cant be worse than what i go through now. lol

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:37 am
by Lisa65
Seriously - you'd be surprised. There's quite an active market for "fake" braces, especially in mainland Europe and Thailand. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:38 am
by Imaking
Thats crazy. i would never think anyone would consider them cool in anyway. But thats funny crazy Europeans. lol

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:30 am
by Miss Smiley
Imaking- IMO I think braces are a PITA! But I'm doing this because I know I need it. Cleaning around wires and making sure every bit of food is out of those things so you don't get some raunchy breath takes time until you figure out a system. After a while, they're just kind of there doing their thing. I wish I would have even gotten mine younger so that this whole process would have been over with when my teeth were more willing to move around. Now that I'm older, I have to pay for these things on my own and it's going to take me 3 years and I had to have teeth extracted. You'll get over having braces annoy you, people won't bug you but many who have had them, will understand what you're going through. I thought all these gaps and crazy looking wires would make my friends crack jokes but I got quite the opposite reaction. They were more like, "Dang...I know how that feels, did you have an adjustment yet? Are your teeth moving on track? Are you still taking tylenol/advil/anything for the sore teeth? Do you want to go eat somewhere they have soft foods?" Hahaha so most people will be very understanding and supportive.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:46 am
by chillin-in-grilz
I am 18 as well :) I had braces for 6 months. The only sucking about it is when they are first put on. I thought it would look so bad becuase my teeth were really wonked. But it turns out they are awesome.

I dont care how I look or how others view me, I rather be 18 with braces then some 40 year old woman with crooked teeth:) Sorry to all those who are older.

I say if you have the chance right now, go for it. Its worth it in the end to get that SEXY smile:)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:50 am
by Betty Bat
I must admit that I don't wake up in the morning thinking "Woo hoo! Yet another day when I am fortunate enough to have braces". I'm more in the camp with Miss Smiley. I'll be glad when they come off. Here's what I posted back in April. Everything is still the same, except I'm not wearing elastics any more.

I think that braces are an inconvenience, too! They aren't bad and they aren't keeping me from doing what I want to do, but it does take me longer to eat and longer to clean. And, I still wear elastics at night, which isn't a thrill.

In the same way, I wear glasses (bifocals) and I consider that an inconvenience, too. They get dirty, they get spots when I go out in the rain, it's hard to read the labels on items on the top shelf in the grocery store, and so on.

And, I'm kind of short - that's an inconvenience, too. I can't reach things on the top shelf in my kitchen, and so on.

So, why is it not acceptable to say that braces are an inconvenience?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:59 am
by Lisa65
We do not have to crop our pics to show teeth only, but Lynn has made it clear that identifying information is posted at the member's own risk, and that if you find a pic of yourself on a braces fetish website because somebody has lifted it from here, then don't complain to Lynn about it.
We discourage members from from making their email addresses visible in their profiles, or from posting personal and vital information which may identify them, including photos of their full face or body. Profile information of minors under age 18 will be scrutinized and inappropriate references will be removed from the minor's profile.
I think some people are under the impression that full-face pics are not allowed on this site. They are discouraged, and posting them is probably unwise, as you don't know who's lurking here and lifting pics, but if you really want to post pics, there is no rule that says you can't.

There is a German braces fetish site that cites Archwired as a good place to find pics of brace wear.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:08 am
by Imaking
Wowo those people must be crazy in the head lol i guess whatever floats your boat. lol It is hard for me to do this because first I hate the dentist. I have only had a couple good experiences with them such as when i had my teeth extracted. kinda odd. lol But anyway I was just wondering if they really do suck as much as people say they do. But from what everyone has said they dont seem so bad.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:34 am
by Ready2go43
Hi Imaking,you really do not sound as if you would be committed to braces,if us with braces had that attitutude that they suck,we would not be trying to sort our teeth out,a lot of members on this site,like myself are doing it for medical reasons,not vanity,plus a lot of us never had the option when we were your age,im 44 and wish I had the option when I was your age,maybe I wouldnt be it the situation im in now.I wouldnt say its a barrel of laughs but you get used to them,it may be 2 years inconvenience out of your life,but what is 2 years when your teeth should last you a lifetime.I mean no dis-respect but you are at the age where what you look like takes priority,I live next door to an 18 year old so I no what im on about,if your concern is what other people will say,it is them with the problem,good luck with your decision,do it,you wont regret it,I have had braces 10 weeks and already notice a difference,sod other people their your teeth,good luck :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:39 am
by Lisa65
I have to dispute what you say about people with a braces fetish being "sickos". While I do not have a braces fetish personally (in case you were wondering), most of us have our little quirks, whether it's a preference for certain items of clothing, stockings, high heels, long hair, buxom ladies etc which are probably not considered "sick" by most, or slightly less mainstream preferences such as sado-masochism. If the fetish is between consenting adults, or a private preference, and harms nobody else then I don't consider it sick.

Somebody else's braces fetish only becomes a problem when (as has happened on this site) people who have braces for genuine reasons end up being targetted by fetishists because they are wanting to contact brace wearers. That's why it's recommended that you don't post personal info such as your e-mail addy or real name, or pictures that you would not want to be used elsewhere.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:14 pm
by Lisa65
I guess your definition of sick isn't the same as mine. I was contacted by a braces fetishist on that German site I mentioned. I didn't realise it was a fetish site when I joined. I just told him that I wasn't into all that, but I wasn't offended. We'll just have to agree to differ. But then I'm one of those funny crazy Europeans that Imaking mentioned and we get upto all sorts over here :lol: