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Keep changing my adjustments from 6 weeks to 5

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:41 am
by newmetal
Im a student and having to earn money over the summer to pay for my braces and accomadation for next year. Im temping, which means week by week i could be called up to do a job. It is because of this i keep having to change my adjustment appointments, bringing them forward by a week (5 weeks). I have done this two times now and ive just had news that im working on the 9th of June (When my next adj was) and ive had to re-book it for this Monday (2nd of June)...a week earlier again. Im just wondering what the effects this will have? Will it stunt my progress in someway? Bit worried about having to keep doing this, but i need the work and the money.

Many Thanks


Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:31 pm
by newmetal
KK wrote:Newmetal it shouldn't make any difference, as your ortho will do what's needed ... same as s/he would do at six weekly appointments.

The time between my appointments varies depending on what my ortho is aiming for my teeth to achieve, so it might affect appointments like this, that's assuming the work is completed during the final week before my adjustments. Mine have been as far apart as 15 weeks and as close as four! But if yours are set at a 'number of weeks' regardless of progress, then don't be concerned.

Of course the best answer to this question is the one your ortho would give you! :banana:
Ahh thanks for the reasurance on this. I suppose my teeth cannot achieve so much more in one week so i should'nt worry too much. Thanks again Kiwi.


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:01 am
by macca
My ortho lives and works in Germany, and then travels over once a month (from Thurs-Sat) to see the people (& myself !) at the practice I go to. Unfortunately, it's not the same time every month so my appointments can be anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks apart. I've brought this up with him in the past and he's assured me that it won't make any difference.

Hope this helps with any concerns!