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SPecial toothpaste?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:59 am
by celboriginal
Hello everyone,

I was braced about 6 weeks ago ( I go for my first adjustment on Monday...yippee!!!) and after the whole procedure the ortho assistant told me that I had to get a prescription tooth paste that I was to use once a day. I got the paste that day but I completely forgot about it for the last 6 weeks so I just recently started using it. I was just wondering if anyone else was prescribed a prescription toothpaste.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:54 am
by TenzoX
Nope i never got any special prescription. Maybe he saw something wrong in your mouth, and wanted you to get that. Can you tell us what kind of toothpaste is it. Next time you see him ask him why you need this special prescription.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:02 am
by metaljen
My ortho gave me a tube of Colgate Phos-Flur Gel and told me to use it right before bed after brushing and not to drink anything afterwards. They give a large tube to all their patients and its supposed to help prevent cavities. You're supposed to use such a small amt. each night that the tube should last at least a year... They said they had better results with it than with mouthwashes (LOL, but I still use the flouride mouthwash if I'm just too tired to brush my teeth AGAIN) :wink: Is this what you were given? I can't remember if they said that it was only available from the pharmacy or not...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:11 am
by Miss Smiley
I use the Phos-flur rinse and I had no idea that you needed a Rx for any of those types of products. I just get it through my brother's office, which is an OS office. Maybe I should ask them to order me the gel instead. Have you noticed any staining from the gel?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:47 pm
by Pepper
[quote=metaljen]My ortho gave me a tube of Colgate Phos-Flur Gel and told me to use it right before bed after brushing and not to drink anything afterwards. They give a large tube to all their patients and its supposed to help prevent cavities. You're supposed to use such a small amt. each night that the tube should last at least a year... They said they had better results with it than with mouthwashes (LOL, but I still use the flouride mouthwash if I'm just too tired to brush my teeth AGAIN) :wink: Is this what you were given? I can't remember if they said that it was only available from the pharmacy or not...[/quote]
Yeah, I got that as well.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:03 pm
by celboriginal
It's the Colgate Prevident with sodium fluoride. I can't remember why they told me to use it but I do remember they said that I was to use it at night before bed and not to rinse. I should have asked more questions about it when they prescribed....but I think I was in shock over being braced. I just wanted to know if anyone else uses it and it looks like jt2lang uses the same stuff. So I assume I have sensitive enamal. I'll ask about it on Monday. Thanks guys!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:25 pm
by shoshiaf
I also use Prevident. It is used to prevent cavities from forming around the brackets.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:29 am
by shoshiaf
However, it is also possible to avoid such cavities without using this product.
Exactly, Prevident is just an extra precautionary measure to avoid possible cavities from forming near the brackets.