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Teens with ceramics UPDATE-Ice or clarity!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:06 am
by stuckinabyss
So my dentist broke the news to me yesterday, and then preceeded to stuff rubber spacers in my teeth. 'You need braces' (Im sure you all know the feeling..The first time you hear the words)
I need them to correct a problem behind my teeth (its not visible at all, I was always the girl with the perfect teeth, people are going to be shocked) I have have always taken extra special care of my teeth, I love my teeth so Im not happy at all with this development.
Anyway, got that out of the way, I talked to my dentist about my options. He offers metal braces and ceramic braces. He told me that I didnt need cermaic braces, they were only for professionals.
Is that true?
Im going into senior year, and I am the only person in my grade who would have braces. I dont want my last year of high school and first years of college with a tin grin! I dont want to graduate and take prom pictures that way!
so..I guess my question is, are there any other teens out there with ceramic braces?
Is it true that they are more uncomfortable?
How noticeable are they really?


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:27 am
by GinaLime
I'm a little older than you (mid-twenties) but I don't see why ceramics would be just for professionals. I have ceramic uppers, and they don't feel any different than my all-metal lowers. They often cost more, so perhaps that's why your dentist didn't recommend them for you. I like them because they are a bit more discreet, but not by that much.

Have you thought about getting more opinions? I recommend that to anybody thinking of braces. I went to five (free!) consultations with orthos before I found the right one. I'm really glad I did, because now I don't have to worry about whether another ortho would've handled my case differently.

I'm sure some teenagers will be by soon to answer your questions, but good luck!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:32 am
by stuckinabyss
I did actually go to two other dentists
But my dentist is great, its like impossible to get in with this guy so Im not worried about his competence and money is not a factor.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:16 am
by adrienne
I'm still in high school and I'm getting ceramic braces after my expander ..
A lot of people in my year still have braces on, and a few more are getting them after the summer holidays! The ceramic braces aren't only for 'professionals' cause a lot of my friends have them!!! :lol: They aren't that noticeable unless you decide to get wild colours with them! (like what I'm gonna do :))

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:15 am
by stuckinabyss
Thanks for the help you guys
But I have another question

Ive been reading around but I cant find alot of info on Inspire braces.

This site says the only diffrence is that inspire's are whiter, is that true? I have searched and searched but I can only find few lines of info on this site and the products site (which isnt a very credible source)

Arent Inspires smaller too?..I have white teeth (so colour is not a problem) and money is not a problem.

Should I get Inspire Ice or Clarity ceramics? (Btw I live in a place where there arent alot of diffrent types, we basically have the regular old metal ones, clarity ceramics or inspire Ice)
Im asking from both a aesthetics point of view and a comfort point of view


Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:29 pm
by Miss Smiley
I have brackets from I don't know what lab or company, but they seem to be doing their job. I too wanted Inspire ICE but after seeing so many people with translucent and transparent, it doesn't matter. You can tell that each person is getting ortho tx. Metal, I figure some just don't mind the tracks or they are trying to keep on a budget since they ALL do the same thing....make a slot for the archwire.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:51 pm
by xtina
I'm not sure if you're still wanting comfort from other teenagers, but I'm posting just in case. (:

I'm a rising senior as well, at 17. I actually just got my braces on [the top] today so I can't say much for getting used to them, but mine happen to be the ceramic kind you were asking about. I'd have to say they're significantly less noticable than the regular metal ones, which is why I chose them. (: They're not invisible or anything, but they don't draw as much attention to your teeth as i've seen the metal ones do on others. And I wouldn't worry so much about being the only person in your grade with braces, since I know of quite a few other kids in my classes with braces still.

I hope that helped a little. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:24 pm
by Ava
Hi there
I thought I might as well post a little something about my opinion. I am 20 years old, im in university/college (however you may refer to it) and have decided to get braces. I am, like alot of people, getting ceramic uppers, and metal lowers, which admittedly is for my own self assurance/confidence rather than anyone elses. But, let me assure you, no one will care. just think...if you get these now in high school (like i know i shouldve done) by the time you are my age, everything will be fixed and perfect. You dont realise how much it really doesnt matter when you are in high school until you actually leave, and i know alot of people on this site wished that they couldv'e done something about it much earlier than they have. If your ortho is telling you "you dont need ceramic", find another ortho who is willing. It should be your choice because you are the one paying for them. My ortho told me i could have whatever i wanted, the only difference would be an extra 500 on the cost.
Speak to another ortho, there are plenty of excellent ones out there. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:43 am
by ronnie889
hey! well I'm rising senior in high school and I've had my braces on for about 14 months. I know as kids age in high school you see less and less people with braces. I have all ceramics, and they work great! They're much less noticeable than the metals and are just as effective. In getting ceramics you just have to be careful about what you eat because the clear ligs tend to stain (not the brackets themselves). So I am always careful and use a straw when drinking coffee and soda and such. But I personally love my ceramics!