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Ouch =(....

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:50 pm
by LilRedPitViper
I'm having trouble with just one tooth the past few days. I'm not sure why it started hurting over the past day or two. Mainly when I bite down or something like that.

I've done the salt water rinses, and tried chewing on that particular tooth for a bit... but nothing seems to help. Ibuprofen takes the edge off, but it's something I'm not able to take frequently.

I'm hoping that it's an indication of movement... and I'll be calling the ortho tomorrow.

In the meantime, is there anything anyone could recommend that might help?

I'm very sorry to complain, but this is the first time I've actually had a real pain with my braces.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:07 pm
by Tin Indian
LRPV- Don't worry about the crabbin, we all do it from time to time.
What I tried was a small tube of numbsit from Walmart in the dental section. You just put a small dab on the affected area on it becomes numb for a while. Feels wierd but it beats the pounding pain.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:19 pm
by tommyfive
I am amazed at how much movement is needed to align my mostly-straight (or so I thought) teeth. I think these archwires are actually pulling my teeth out - spreading them out - before the work to pull them into the places they will end up in.

Almost all my teeth have ached from time to time since I've had the braces on, but the most uncomfortable (not painful, mind you) have been the teeth they've been rotating. After they put a steel tie on a few teeth to 'engage' them (get the wire to really tug on the tooth harder than the plastic ligs will), there seems to be a two week window during which any pressure on those teeth almost hurts.

I find that I either have to chew through it (so far it never gets worse than the 'fear of pain' level), or ibuprofen usually takes enough of the edge off.

Using ibuprofen, I take two about an hour before eating anything 'challenging' and all is ok.

Nevertheless, bananas and avaocados are my friends...


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:35 am
by LilRedPitViper
Awwe, thanks everyone. Like I said, I don't like to complain about this stuff... I've wanted braces for such a long time, I don't feel like I should be complaining about the process. I asked for it.

I like the way Tommy put it... I think it's the fear of pain that's actually worse for me.

The tooth is still a little sore today, I've been drinking lots of water and getting extra rest when I can. I do think it's helping.

Thanks again!! :D

Me Too

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:21 pm
by EmmyD
I have had my braces on for 22 days and I have two teeth that have just started hurting a little. They both keep popping. I guess they are moving, so I am trying not to complain too much, but it does hurt and the Ibuprofen does not always make the pain go away. I guess we both have a long way to go. Good luck to you....... :lol: and me

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:10 pm
by kirjax
I rarely have experienced pain however there are times where some teeth ache more then others and this is very common. It just depends on what's moving at that point.

For me they're trying to move a tooth forward therefore alot of my teeth are being shifted to the right. Meaning my left side has felt NOTHING but my right side has felt EVERYTHING! I kind of feel sorry for my left side who has to do all the extra chewing :lol: