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Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:31 pm
by TLB in Minneapolis

Hope everyone is having a good summer. Anyways, I got my braces May 2. I have seen very minor changes. I am approaching the 3 month mark and I just feel more should have aligned by now. I did not have any extractions and I had moderate crowing and overlapping on the bottom and two overlapped front teeth.

I am not an expert, however, why hasn't my ortho done any IPR to make room for the teeth to align? I think my teeth haven't done much because frankly there is no where for them to go. They are so packed in there. I have brought this up to the dental assistants but they don't really say much. They say the ortho is very conservative with IPR which is good but now I am getting so frustrated I feel like calling them up tomorrow to vent and say I need him to make room so my teeth can move-asap!

I have been patient. I have compared pictures from Day 1 to now and asked people and they don't see a difference either.

I never thought I've wanted shaving done between my teeth, but let's get this show on the road. I want to some progress after 3 months.

Any ideas or suggestions on what to say at my next appointment?

Thanks!!!! :x

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:46 pm
by slender
hi TLB

I had IPR on my uppers due to slight crowding and my left lower premolar was extracted while my first right molar was extracted years ago.

I can understand your situation, I patiently wait for the day that my ortho will do the IPR. It was finally done on my 6th month. The teeth needs to straightened first before any IPR shall be done, my ortho's conservative when it come to shedding teeth enamel she did it in two seatings (adjustments). Im on my 13th month and patiently waiting for my small spaces to close so that I can have my finishing wire. Lately my teeth's movement is so slow that I wonder if im going to complete my treatment in 2 years!

Good luck on you treatment.

six month braces gal

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:18 am
by sdgal23
I've been braced for about 6 weeks, I'm going on my second adjustment next the week (the 1st of August). I had no extractions and I've also seen minor changes. my bottom teeth have straigtened out quite a bit...except for one tooth that overlaps another. my upper cannines still have not come down all the way, one of them is almost in place and the other one is not quite there yet. My ortho did do IPR on my teeth on my first adjustment but I haven't seen a dramatic change with the IPR. I get antsy and frustrasted too...cause i would like to see more movement...but I guess I have to be patient....

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:30 pm
by kirjax
I have crowding on my bottom and a tooth pushed back on my upper.

IPR is the option if the teeth do not straighten on their own. I thought IPR would be done in the beginning but apparently it's not.

My ortho said that they will shift the teeth gradually over a few months. I have teeth that are actually unaligning that were pretty straight before. I was freaking out and she told me not to be concerned. In the first stages your teeth will move slowly and into different places (some even in positions you won't like them) but once they get the space then they will determine the further treatment (i.e. IPR, extractions etc).

For me bc they want to move a tooth forward and I need a bit of space they put in a spring. My two front teeth have actually shifted out (like an overbite). I now have a significant gap inbetween my one front tooth and my eye tooth. I sort of look like I have slightly bucked teeth but those teeth will be pushed back into place once the tooth has moved forward. It's a slow long process. So I am not worried.

I have a feeling that IPR will def. be done to my bottoms. We only talked about it briefly bc I wanted to know which teeth she'd perform it on. Thankfully she's doing it on my bottom eye teeth instead of the front lowers!

So I wouldn't worry about it. They're the trained experts, they know what they're doing! Just be glad your ortho is taking this method. I know most orthos' are extraction happy when it comes to patients mouths and I'm so glad my ortho wasn't one of them!

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:33 pm
by goldmetal
I am a little over the 7 month mark. The ortho mentioned IPR at my last appointment.