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Question about Archwire

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:33 am
by Imarchwired
I have a question regarding archwire. Am feeling very confused. Will appreciate any suggestion.Please help.
I had my braces on around 3 weeks back.
The first archwire was NiTi. Most probably .012''.Which I think is the right one.
Then after three weeks I was asked to come for the next appointment.
What they did now was tightened my same lower arch wire whereas the upper wire was changed.The new upper wire was fixed with the ligatures by the assistant of the doctor and as he was going to put it in my mouth; it popped out of his hand. Just then the main doctor entered the room and asked me about the money. Since I hadn't a lot to pay him at that time. He called the assistant outside the room and talked to him.
Now on returning the assistant put in a new wire in my mouth which is actually .016'' SS.
'I am from India' and SS wire is much cheaper here as compared to NiTi.
I feel it's quite rigid and also get a few headaches.
But more than that I am feeling very confused mentally that whether he has put in the right wire.
Wasn't he supposed to fix .016''NiTi wire earlier as they are more flexible and used during the initial phase of the treatment.
Now I can't discuss this with him as he may not like my interfering with his way of treatment.
In a nutshell- Is it right to put in .016 ''SS wire just after three weeks of treatment or should he wait for some more time before doing that. My total treatment is going to last for atleast 2 years.
What should I do?

Please help!!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:38 am
by Imarchwired
I forgot to add that I got four teeth removed for this and am very much worried about the health of the remaining teeth. So I want a treatment that should be done while causing least harm effects to the remaining teeth in terms of their longevity.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:25 am
by Lorien
Every patient and every orthodontist is going to be different.

So, call your orthodontist and ask.

Good luck!

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:45 am
by Lisa65
He wouldn't have been able to get a .016 SS wire on unless your teeth had already aligned themselves quite well. But if you're concerned that he is cutting corners because you haven't been able to pay money up front, then I guess it would be worth having a chat with him to reassure him of your ability and intention to pay for the treatment.

I do seem to remember getting an SS wire quite early in my treatment though.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:15 am
by Imarchwired
Thank you very much Lisa and Lorien.
Lisa. A small request. Can u please try to remember and tell me that after how much time into braces did u had .016"ss. And how long did u had to wear that one.
I actually went to the doctor and told him that I can pay you now if this is not the proper archwire but he said that it has nothing to do with the money.This was only required. :-) I don't think any doc will ever accept that.
Also I have two questions:
- when NiTi has been invented and used. It's proved to be better as it's more flexible than SS. And light consistent forces are supposed to be best for moving the teeth healthily with least bone and root resorption.Then why is SS still used?
- And normally SS used in how many cases and for what durations?

Please reply.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:14 am
by Lisa65
I got a .016 SS wire on my top teeth at (I think) the second adjustment. When those teeth were first braced I had a .012 NiTi and then a .014 NiTi at the first adjustment. By that time my teeth were aligned so my ortho switched to steel to commence levelling (the second stage of treatment)

SS wires are also used when you have elastics as a NiTi wire would be too flexible.

There is a good link here which goes into some detail about the different kinds of wires and their uses - but the use of SS wires doesn't mean that your ortho is cutting corners. they do have a valid role in treatment. ... t/one.html

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:03 am
by Imarchwired
Lisa thank you very much for replying and for the link. It's certainly very informative and helpful. I feel much less anxious now. After hearing that you got it in your second sitting.
Only why did I got in first?:-(
But still it's only a difference of a single sitting.:-)
Can you also please tell me after how many weeks from your 'first day in braces ' was your second sitting.
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:43 am
by Imarchwired
Thank you very much Meryaten and Lisa.
I think I understand this much better now and am feeling much less anxious now.:-)