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Holiday/Vacation with braces

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:51 am
by SarahLu
Hi everyone,

I get my braces fitted on the 6th September and am very nervous. I want to book a holiday soon after, i was wondering how long i should wait, how long will it take me to get used to the braces? I dont want to book a hoiday if it is going to be ruined by not being able to eat properly etc. What are oher peoples experiences of this?


SarahLu x

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:23 am
by loulou123
Hi sarahlu

i had the same concerns when first braced and i promise you that you can do everything you want with braces on.

I recently went to disney and threw myself around on the rides just 3 days after a pretty big adjustment.

When you 1st get braced your teeth will be sore for a few days and your proberly be a bit grumpy for abit (or i was! lol) and eating will take a while to get used to.

Id suggest take the holiday as soon as you want afterwards, perhaps wait a week or so to be over the worst of the discomfort.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:01 am
by jc75

I went skiing just a week after I had my bottom brace put on. I was in a chalet and had to sit and eat around a communal dining table with a bunch of strangers and also went to ski school every day! It was good timing actually as I was so active I didn't have a chance to think about my brace.

You've just got to get on with it - don't let braces stop you from having a good time!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:24 am
by Mmmmuuaa
My mouth was quite sore for 2 weeks after I was braced. After that things were fine.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:35 am
by Betty Bat
There might be a few things that you might not want to do immediately - like enter a spinach-eating contest! Come to think of it, you might not want to do that after you've had your braces for a while, either!

Seriously, there are only a few things I can think of that I would avoid immediately after braces, like snorkeling and scuba diving (because of the mouthpiece), playing the tuba (especially if you hadn't played before).

The only problem that I had immediately after my braces was trying to bite into a particularly large canape at a fancy ocean party. It took me a few days to figure out how to bite and chew.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:23 pm
by Pepper
I went on a ten day trip after an adjustment.
It'll only be a big deal if you let it take just kick back, relax, and enjoy yourself. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:45 pm
by Poeticbraces
I am getting braced on 8th August, just before going on holidays. I am hoping that by the time I come back to work, I'll be used to my braces.
Communication (this includes talking...) is an important part of most jobs and I'd rather get used to talking with my braces on while away from work.

So, Sarah, this may be something to consider: on holidays, you can take it easy, cancel activities, have a rest when you want to, etc. Adjusting to braces under such conditions may actually be easier.