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Teeth Clenching

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:53 pm
by ceeceebraces
Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone is having this 'problem', if you want to call it that.

I find myself clenching my teeth alot, ever since I got the braces on a month ago. Especially when I wake up in the morning, it's almost as if I have lockjaw or something and have to pry my mouth open :shock:.

I wonder what this means. Anyone else going through this?



Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:47 pm
by goldmetal
My clenching started shortly after my braces were put on. The majority of the sores I get anymore are from biting the insides of my cheeks in my sleep! The clenching has lessened over time. Hopefully, yours will too!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:20 am
by Lisa65
I had that too for a while, and it tends to recur briefly after an adjustment.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:32 am
by KatK
I am definitely having this issue also, it seems related to my bite being off. I don't know what to do about it, but you are not alone! :-) Drives me nuts because it makes my jaw tense!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:20 am
by LuvBug26
I am right there with ya ceecee!!! I do the same thing!! i wake up in the morning and can't harldy open my jaw b/c it's clenched together!! Usually if i can get a straw full of liquid in there a swish around it loosens up on me but it does cause headaches and my teeth are really sore afterwards too. I know before i got my braces on I was really bad about grinding my teeth at night and my ortho said that i would definatly stop that once i got my braces on. I haven't grinded since i got braced but the teeth clenching is something that i have developed!!! I too get the majority of my sores from my teeth biting my cheeks at night! And i have an over bite so i'm sure like the others have said it has something to do with that!! Hopefully it will go away as my bite gets corrected, hope yours does too!!! :D

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:50 am
by Carolinahigh12
Well I am opposite, I grind and clinched my jaw before I got braces but I dont do it anymore and I have only been in braces for 24 hrs. You may want to call the ortho and see if you can use NightGuards if it is causing pain and discomfort for you. You can purchase the NightGuards at you local drug store or the ortho can make you one.

Here is what it looks like: ... rod2338890

you may be able to find one that is cheaper.

Hope this helps,

TTYL :-1

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:20 pm
by Miss Smiley
oooh bruxism and clenching. I didn't start that until being braced as well. Horrible thing to have to wake up to. Hope yours gets better, mine has gotten loads better!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:21 am
by Tanj
The same thing happened to me this morning, though it wasn't as bad as some others have mentioned. Mostly (i think anyway) mine was due to the horrible dream I had last night (where my teeth feel out because of my braces! of all things to dream about :gavel:). I woke up this morning clenching my jaw. I think tomorrow will be a better day.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:14 pm
by lindengurl
I have been braced for 11 months and I am clinching and grinding my teeth so much that it wakes me up at night. The ortho really can't do anything to help right now. I hope you get through it.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:59 pm
by Tin Indian
I have been a clincher for many years.And I use it even while being braced. I use a spilnt from and I like it very much . It comes in cinnamon, mint, and natural flavors.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:44 pm
by christy874395
i started clenching my jaw recently and i have had my braces for about 7 month..and i also like some of the other posters wake up bearly being able to open my frustrating! i just thought it was caused by having to wear elastics at night but hopefully this will go away as my bite is straightend out.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:17 am
by MamaRoo
:-1 I am so glad to see that I am not the only one "suffering" thru this. I was not a teeth grinder or clencher before I got my braces on, and now I am clenching and waking up in the middle of the night from my jaw hurting. I have an appointment coming up soon so I will be sure to mention this. Even my husband who is a very light sleeper has noticed a difference in my sleeping habits.

Hope this gets better - and I will let you know what my Ortho says about it to me.