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3rd adjustment, lots of progress

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:21 pm
by bracieb
Had my 3rd adjustment today. I have seen a lot of movement since the last one- none of it flattering. My front teeth have been pulled forward to accomodate lower brackets (those will go on when my lower molar is straight). Until now I only had three front teeth attached to the wire, tonight I have all of them attached with lovely two-tone purple ligs. I told my girls that I would get coloured ligs when I had more than 3 teeth involved, and today was the day, so what the heck. It looks good, I think. The girls got all sorts of colours on their ligs- one got all aqua- looks very pretty, the other all light blue and the third went for 5 colours at once- she looks like confetti and couldn't be happier. Ortho is a family affair here!


The good news is that I don't look so horse-like without the unattached wires on the sides, and it is a lot more comfy too. My most crooked tooth is not looking so crooked anymore, and there is ony a little wave in the archwire there. My ortho says I will be looking straight and great very soon. I have a gap in the front that has been getting bigger by the day- acck! I will be happy to lose that thing- I'm sure I could eat spaghetti through it if I tried.

He did mention in passing that I have more options if we can't completely get rid of my overjet/overbite- I can have some extractions... eeek! The thought of extractions gets me all anxious. It isn't the pain, it's the thought of the drugs- I had a couple of anaphylactic reactions to antibiotics last year, and I am now very anxious about taking drugs of any kind. I know it is like fearing oranges when you are actually allergic to cookies, but I can't seem to help myself- it is getting better, though- I can take Advil ok now, thanks to ortho pain!

The other concern is that I have a very pointy, jutting chin that would look more so if my teeth weren't forward, and I dislike it enough that the idea horrifies me without even considering the drugs! The ortho called it a butt-(something) chin. I noticed that Ashley Simpson has one too, so at least it doens't make you ugly....

That is all some way away- so why worry now? :D

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:33 pm
by Pixel Witch
Tooth movement is so weird, isn't i?

It was disturbing to notice that my teeth are all weird lengths (some are taller and shorter than others) and it just looks horrible.

Luckily my ortho told me it would be this way in the beginning and not to get alarmed if my bite is lopsided on and off,. but it is still freaky to see. And even freakier when you look in the mirror 8 hours later and they're moved up and down again!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:35 am
by bracieb

I have been dutifully chewing and not changing my diet beyond cutting things into small pieces (ever eat sausage on a bun with a knife and fork? :lol: ) and eating a lot of yogurt. My teeth are feeling much better, although still sore, and I am getting used to the new positions on my molars.

I had to get in front of the mirror and see what was going on with my molars- they felt all wonky and tipped an out of place and like they aren't meeting properly. All of that is true, but it feels worse than it looks!

At least I can't clench my teeth- too sore. It's alittle like nail biting- you can't be too successful at that with braces on :wink: