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I've become a brushing fool!!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:08 am
by fangface

I used to brush twice a day- and sometimes I'd even forget at night..

But now after getting these things on- I'm following directions like they said and brushing EACH and every time I eat something.
Plus I don't want those ugly white marks on my teeth either like I see in the handouts they gave me so I do all this plus I bought the $13.00 phosphur rinse stuff that is WAY to sweet BTW..

You should see all the crap in my purse I bought to clean up after eating..
All these doo-hicky's to remove whatever or clean as much as I can if I don't have access to a nice bathroom to brush.

I'm seriously hoping I can maintain this throughout my duration of wearing braces- and since I payed for them myself I think I will.

Has anyone started out being a brushing freak only to die down later and not do it so much??


I'm *really* gonna try and be good though.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:30 am
by HeadgearJoe
my min is three times a day , an i've been in mine forever, an i brush brush brush, i like going to my dentist every six months to get cleaned an them saying, i'm doing a great job an to keep it up ,

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:51 am
by Lisa65
I don't brush everytime I eat, but I try and restrict my eating mostly to mealtimes. I do a really thorough clean at night including flossing, interdental and mouthwash.

I brush in the mornings too, but apart from that I don't usually brush during the day unless I've been eating chocolate or sweets. I just rinse with water after eating to dislodge any solid particles lodged round the brackets. My hygienist said I was doing a good job though, so I guess what I'm doing must be OK.

If you don't like the phosflur rinse, any fluoride mouthwash will do. $13 sounds a bit on the pricey side :?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:58 am
by Milk n Cereal
:lol: I have become quite the brushing addict myself, and my braces aren't even on yet! I have spacers in at the moment which cause enough discomfort to remind me that I'll have braces on soon - and extra brushing will be necessary then!

I brush after every time I eat. Which in turn makes me eat less because sometimes I'm too lazy to want to brush and floss just for eating a snack. :roll: So in the end braces = straight teeth, better self esteem, AND weight loss!


Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:17 pm
by Rainy
Wll I have become an addict too I guess, and I dont get my braces on for 2 more weeks. I am the type to need certain routines or I let things go. I figured if I started the routines when I made the descion to get braces, I would have less problem sticking to it. Today I started adding in the salt water rinses.
What I have discovered now is that I a) feel guilty if I dont do the "proper" cleanings and b) I cant stand the feel of my teeth if I dont

Over all not a bad place to be I think.


Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:34 pm
by Naranja
I've been braced almost 5 months, and I brush my teeth 2 or 3 times a day, depending in how busy I am. In the morning, after lunch and night.
Sometimes after snacks, if my teeth are all sticky. If don't only swoosh with water until it feels right.

I have to confess that at first.. I was maniatic about brushing my teeth with braces. (I spent more time brushing my teeth that actually eating)

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:11 pm
by Taylor
I was like this too. I know it feels super-disgusting to have crap stuck in your archwires and brackets, or feeling like theres something there. Mine went away after a couple of weeks. I think having ceramic brackets made it a little worse too, because I DID NOT want to be the one with the yellow brackets (ew). Don't worry you'll have 'normal' brushing habits after a while.