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They're off!! (Pics)

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:37 am
by LoobyLou
Hi everyone.

I've also posted in the naked tooth section but have a couple more piccys to share!

I've now got my braces off after what felt like a very long time! (2 and a half years nearly). I'm so pleased they're off and am getting used to my essix retainers which I'm wearing about 23 hours a day at the moment.

Here's them about half an hour after they were removed:


And here's about 6 or so months into treatment:

You can't see properly but they are so much better than before - esp my midline. A trip to the hygienist won't go amiss to tackle a couple of stains but all in all I'm pretty pleased with the results!

LoobyLou xx

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:52 am
by *Denise*

I have about a month to go!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:30 pm
by SandraJones
Nice !!!! You must be so happy !! How does it feel ?? Is it strange to not have anything pushing your lips out any more ? :-) And are you flossing like 1000 times a day because it's so easy now ? :-)

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:08 pm
by LoobyLou
They feel great Sandra - I'm getting used to the new brace-free feeling quicker than I thought - definitely don't miss them!!

Lou xx

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:20 pm
by idolfan4
congratulations! Your teeth look very pretty. I got mine off in April and I got a gift certificate for my birthday; which is today (I turn 20 today) to get them whitened. I hope your looking into getting yours whitened as well. Congratulations again! :D

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:56 pm
by Andantae

Your teeth look FABULOUS!!!!! How thrilling for you to be done with braces after 2.5 years!

Love your smile!


Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:45 pm
by PfectPitch
Pictures like yours give me hope! I have the same deep bite thing going on that you had, and seeing your results helps me realize that someday this, too, shall pass. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:16 pm
by LoobyLou
Idolfan4 - yes I am using some at home whitening products thank you - nothing fancy. Those pics do make my teeth look yellower than they actually are and when I went back that afternoon he polished off a couple of stains so they're already looking much better.