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a question for people in the uk

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 1:40 pm
by yse
I'm having the hardest time finding 'wax' for my braces; I ordered some online from a chemist and it seems to fall to bits as soon as I try to use it, and I'm in pain! Anyone knows where I can get some silicone stuff? I had some and it seemed to be a little better... :?: I'm getting desperate- I have a bit tearing my left cheek to bits little by little. (I can't just pop into my ortho's office because she lives far away so I need some survival kit til next time I see her in October.)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:51 pm
by Sahara
Sorry you're in pain, yse. :cry:

I got given a tube of silicone gel by my ortho - although I much prefer the wax. The practice is just opposite St. Paul's Tube Station, if that's any good to you. I imagine they'd be happy to sell you some.

Otherwise, this website sells it:

Hope you find some soon.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:15 pm
by mikecl

I was given wax by my ortho but whilst effective it's pinkish colour and stands out a mile unless your using it on your molars.

I've been using the clear silicone wax which I ordered from and this site is run by the same Lynn who owns the site.

I can recommend the wax and also the survival kit they offer. With the FX rate between USD and GBP there is value for money even if you ask for the express delivery option.

All the best and I hope you find something soon



Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:38 am
by dubnobass
If you're desperate for as quick fix, go to Boots and get some of their wax earplugs. They're quite malleable/sticky and will do in a pinch, but unfortunately they've got cotton wool strands running through them, which can get a bit snagged on brackets.

Still, better to have cotton wool snagging on brackets than the inside of your cheek!

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:39 am
by loulou123
hi, i know exactly how you feel as i had the same trouble finding wax in the UK.

There are a couple of fantastic websites (i have used the orthoshop one mentioned above) that sell all sorts of braces goodies so are well worth a look.

If your really really desperate, how about trying your regular dentist? I did thi and they were able to help, only problem being the wax they gave me was bright red! :shock: think it might have really been used for dentures, but hey it worked.

Good luck

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:55 am
by choccyface
I bought my clear wax cheaply at Superdrug :)

Sarah x

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:54 pm
by yse
Thank you all for all your leads!

As an emergency measure, I used a Boots foam earplug (a new one...), cut it up into slices and stuck one at the back where the wire sticks out and is doing its damage. Well, it proved to be Idea Of The Week in my little world - it stays put and my cheek is starting to heal, oh yeah. :lol:

I tried superdrug today and couldn't find wax, but I'm going to just order it from the US dentakit site.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:08 am
by felix the helix
I live in the Northwest and had loads of trouble finding wax. I bought a few cases of silicone stuff from a guy on Ebay, and then I stumbled across clear dental wax at my local (independent) chemist for 99p. I bought 5 cases there and then : ) also sell the wax for 99p but charge £3.95 for p&p and have a minimum £5 order.
There is no price on comfort.....or straight teeth though eh?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:17 pm
by user
Does your ortho not provide you with wax if you need it at each appointment? or don't they have it for sale in reception?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:41 am
by yse
Yes, she does give me wax, but I live 2 hours away and I'm not due for a visit until mid october - and of course I've run out of stock! :?