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3rd treatment to start this week

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:09 am
by scott75
Hi all, I have been in and out of braces as a result of TMJ troubles that are a result of trauma to the joint via an accident. My treatments have involved many years of braces, I am currently brace free but still do not have a comfortable bite whle my teeth look fine really my mouth is not set up good. I am going back in for more major jaw relationship work. This is going to inolve braces again and tons of elastics and close to full time headgear wear. my ortho i confident that with perservernce and 3 more years aprx . we can get this bite socked in such that eveything is correct. the only other option is surgical with mini screws etc.. so by end of next week i will be sporting braces again...i have used headgear before and was able to get in the time as i worked from home office, now i do not have that luxury and work 8-9 hours in office setting and of course go out and about in life.. so im not sure how i feel about being a headgear face in public.. but to get the results the headgear is very important in distalizing molars... i was told to wear it at least 16hrs but more is better.. any suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:36 am
by jennielee81
interresting.... :roll:

10 months ago, Scott wrote this:
HI all, well at age 31 i would have never thought i would be contemplateing whether or not to wear my headgear. I am getting cloer tofinally finising with braces, almost 5 years now!! So when my dr said I really need to wear the headgear most of the time, i was a bit freaked out. i am n all metal braces and now 4 different elastics that go arcoss my mouth up and down sideways etc.. so i am lisping etc.. i guess i should just wear the headgear out and and about and get every thing perfect. my ortho said in about 8-12 months in the headgear should do it. ive got my first few x mas parties approaching quick so hopefully i can get the courage to actually wear it.. some one here has said once people see u in it once its no big deal??! any suggestions
This doesn't add up to a lagit poster. :ThumbsDown:

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:10 pm
...but in case you are a ligit poster with a real issue: as a physical therapist I tell my patients, "you can wear the brace and strengthen the ankle and knee and prevent further injury, or you can leave it in your closet and I'll see you again at knee and hip replacement time."

So you say you have two options. Actually you have three, 3 or more years of braces with headgear, surgury which I presume would require less extensive orthodontia as you leave that out, or doing nothing and taking Advil.

As an adult, this is an adult forum, make a choice and live with it. I can't do that for you nor can anyone else on this board. You've had braces before so you know what it's about. Hey, you were in an accident and now you are getting all the parts fixed. If the prospect of headgear 24/7 bugs you , go for the surgery.

I'm new to braces, only about a month in and not yet having an adjustment so I should keep my mouth closed. But I do work with accident patients daily. The ones who get on with life are those who wear their gear and get down to work. The ones that complain and moan usually end up being defeated by their condition.

Hope you can make a good choice for yourself and get on with living.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:45 am
by scott75
ok, first off I am for real kk, but thanks for challenging. I will be posting this 3rd treatement plan here for those interested in it. So just dont look if you are not! monday i will have more info on the total plan and will be in bands and likely headgear. so once again i will be here among metal mouths..

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:21 am
by neas
what would you have to gain lying though? Kinda sick if you ask me.